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What smaller government?

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mac2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-04-08 10:44 AM
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What smaller government?
Edited on Wed Jun-04-08 10:47 AM by mac2
The Conservatives in power have more government than before. They take away the power of the states which they swore to preserve.

The negating of our Constitution and Bill of Rights is even more power abuse by the federal government for their own self interest.
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Hydra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-04-08 11:02 AM
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1. Haha
As I've said before, you have to translate when Bushco uses a talking point.

We'll use your example:

"Smaller Gov't" = Bigger Gov't and more privatization on top of that
"Fiscal Responsibility" = Spending record amounts on War and cutting citizen benefits

Basically, whatever they say, take the exact opposite, and you understand what they'll do.

Too bad the people who vote for such creeps don't bother to hold them to their actual words.
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mac2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-05-08 03:08 PM
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5. Orwellian for sure.
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unpossibles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-04-08 11:17 AM
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2. the one which is presiding over the booming economy and winning the wars on terror and drugs
Edited on Wed Jun-04-08 11:58 AM by unpossibles
I wonder what color the sky is there.
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Captain Angry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-04-08 11:27 AM
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3. Bush has a strong record of being for smaller government.

1: Make FEMA incapable of doing its job to the point that people want it replaced (probably with private contractors). Boom, smaller government.

2: Make a program so vile that it cuts funding to education across the country. Boom, smaller government.

3: Actively block any opportunity to extend health care to children or any other group. Boom, smaller government.

What? You think he's a hypocrite for spending more money on the military and their contractors? You must be a commie pussy.

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mr_liberty Donating Member (4 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-05-08 01:27 AM
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4. absolutely right
This guy got elected as "Mr. small, humble government and decentralized power," and we're now running the biggest budget deficits of all time, combined with the greatest federal usurpation of power over the individual the country has ever seen (e.g. Patriot Act). The really sick part is that the neocons don't even bother to pretend, anymore. It's just how they think things are supposed to be. We spend as much money on "national defense" (ha ha) as the rest of the world combined, while at the same time trying to centrally manage our economy via corporate welfare -- this is the one, absolutely tried and true method for a country to lose its superpower status.
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