Inverted Totalitarianism is the name given to this new form of government shared to varying degrees by Imperial Amerika, Russia and China. was asked how I thought this could be when we vote every four years and our Emperors leave after eight years, tops.
My reply:
To me, again in this time of ultra-powerful PR and media saturation, I think we do almost no choosing at all at the national level in voting.
And if/when they steal it for McBush, which I think is 90%+ likely with the Toady Media still a 24/7 anti-Democratic commercial, always arguing from the Bushie Frame, always catapulting the Bushiganda keeping it close enough to steal.
Hypothetically, the bone of contention here is The Bushie Voter Suppression Machine, and the level to which it has made our voting systems untrustworthy approaching pointless.
OK, for the purposes of this conversation I will only limit myself to aspect of the operation or those that have been confirmed (well, as well as anything can be confirmed in this Age of Infoganda).
1) A concerted effort at DOJ to suppress minority votes through the use of the DOJ-Civil Rights Division that has been Bushified by criminalizing minority voter registration drives, among other things,
2) The DOJ US Attorneys Scandal, clearly showing (not that there is ANY amount of evidence that could get the Congressional Dem. Leadership to press charges) USAs in key battleground states were asked to perform selective prosecution on Democrats of the first and second tier (Siegelman, Minor, Thompson, there's more...). * were fired for being insufficiently compliant. Which presupposes the other 80 or so were more compliant, even if not fully compliant.
3) Voter ID and Citizenship ID laws in about a dozen states, I believe. The new incarnation of Jim Crow, call it Jeb Crow. It's back to the 50s for our African-American friends. At least they aren't getting lynched over it, though their votes are suppressed and diluted openly through these new Jeb Crow laws.
OK, JUST those, combined with the Bush Lie Machine and the Toady Media working almost in concert to advance Bushie Frames (like the recent spate of "Obama opens up big lead in polls. Does this mean polls are flawed?, to name just one of hundreds we've witnessed), seems to me to be able to keep this thing close enough to steal...just like 2000 and 2004.
Even without electronic disenfranchisement, even without taking into account the massive amount of smaller-scale dirty tricks they use, like registering Democrats and then trashing the D registrations at the end of the (Google Sproul & Associates) is enough.
And if those things I suspect are going on are also going on, both electronically and manually, but not yet proven and exposed as those numbered above, why then Obama may have to win by 12% of the actual vote to win in a "squeaker" in the counted "vote".
This, unfortunately nullifies your point that we can still change this with our votes. I think our votes still count in local elections, probably in state elections still, congressional elections...maybe...usually? It's hard to quantify this patchwork quilt of tyranny overlaid over still barely functioning parts of the System.
One last thing. You have probably noticed as I have Obama's "tack to the right". That misses the point, I think. It's not that he is tacking to the right so much as he is pragmatically defending against a media playing field grotesquely leveled against him.
(for all the usual Loyal Bushie/Freeper shrieking of the Liberal Media to cloud the waters with squid-ink...hell, they thought RUSSERT was a liberal when he was their bestest pal!)
This is the rub and the nut of it, the thing which makes the "end run" around classical totalitarian methods so absent from our daily lives (thank God).
The Bush Lie Machine and the Toady Media create through framing, propaganda etc. an eternal sequence of "no-win" situations for the Democrats. Because the Bush Lie Machine is the Pied Piper to the Toady Media, they can shift the National Conversation to whatever they like whenever they like pretty much for however long they like and the Toady Media will keep batting it around pretty much until the Bushies themselves move on to the next distraction circus of nonsense.
Now we see Obama flinching and twisting in an effort to avoid the blows that are going to come anyway. In every speech, he praises McBush's service...again with the Mr. Nice Guy. In 2004 the Bushies shredded Kerry's honorable service, and it was perfectly acceptable.
Obama dare not for a rain of media blows will come down on him so hard...hell he disavowed Wes Clark and Wes was utterly polite in his criticism.
But as we know the fusion of Bush Lie Machine and Toady Media does care about the specifics, they can make it into whatever they want.
So Obama flinches again. But the blows still rain down from all sides from the Russerts to the Hannitys and everything in between.
More flinching and twisting in front of the evangelicals. "I'm not left but really very religious." Not just a lie, considering all the many millions of liberal Christians like the new Pres of Bolivia and Mother Theresa and Oscar Romero, half or more of DU, etc. etc. etc.) but a lie that almost could have come out of a Bushie's mouth. No, I am not saying Obama is a Bushie or any nonsense like that he is without a doubt the best hope for a restoration of the Old American Republic, slim as that may be and I will be 100% voting for him.
But what I am saying is that he is already playing on Bushie Turf, and that'2 2/3rd of the battle. While he seems better than Kerry or Gore at answering specific attacks, he is still flinching and twisting and contorting to the tune of the fusion of the Bush Lie Machine and the Toady Media
I bring this all up to say that they have once again hamstrung us before the fight has even begun, and because of this reality every fight for us, if you haven't noticed, is an uphill one.
Sorry to be so verbose, but it is hard to explain how I believe the "nuts and bolts" of Inverted Totalitarianism work, but work it does and without all the blood and disappearings of classical totalitarianism. It is an amazingly subtle and powerful machine for manipulating minds in a mass setting, such as a nation electronically media saturated.
So, to bring it full circle, you asked how is it possible for this new thing, this Inverted Totalitarianism, to keep it's power in spite of the elections every year. I think I have answered as best as I can with the hows.
To sum it up it is very possible that, even if Obama is permitted to sit on the throne, he will be hemmed in like Clinton was hemmed in. He will keep "tacking right" to appease the Bushie False Reality Bubble which can NEVER be appeased...that's why it exists and is so successful at laundering reality, laundering lies and half-truths into Ironclad Conventional Wisdom.
Even IF Obama ascends the throne, at best he'll be another Clinton. Good for the country and good for the economy on a superficial level (though the benefits to all American is undeniable, even in this superficial form and I consider Clinton a very good president),but he will do nothing to undermine or change the basic infrastructure of totalitarianism, the Congressional Democrats will still be spineless, as they were by and large under Clinton though the current bunch is MUCH more spineless.
This will hold everything in place, so that when the Bushies take power again, it will be as if they never were gone. Just like in 2000, when it was almost as if Clinton had never happened.
Whew! Trying to outline this gigantic Beast is like grabbing a tiger by the tail. It's too big to almost consider.
But that is my elaboration on your questions about leaving power due to the "voters" and how Inverted Totalitarianism creates the illusion when the outcomes are never really in doubt.