Homeland Security cameras monitor downtown Annapolis
If you've taken a stroll down Main Street in the past five months, chances are you were videotaped by a federally funded surveillance camera.
The panning lenses of the cameras -
paid for with a grant from the Department of Homeland Security - are monitored at the Annapolis Police Department.
Currently there are four cameras scanning Main Street and Market Space, but plans are in place to eventually install 44 cameras through the city, said Sgt. Pamela Johnson from the city Police Department's Intelligence and Homeland Security Unit.
"That's the ultimate plan. We're applying for grant funding for each phase," Sgt. Johnson said.
Hometwon AnnapolisCash starved cities, municipals, states, etc., seeking Federal grant monies, have no problems selling their citizens down the river, one camera or immigration raid at a time.