For the past 2 years, at least. I am so not surprised that it was a Repuke who instituted this.
Gov. Martin O'Malley said yesterday that the Maryland State Police have ceased the surveillance of war protesters and death penalty opponents conducted under his predecessor, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and called the monitoring a politically motivated mistake.
Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D), meanwhile, called for a "full accounting" of the surveillance and questioned whether the state police Homeland Security and Intelligence Division, which receives federal funding, crossed the line in infiltrating activist groups.
"Our nation cannot allow police activity that is intended to discourage dissent by Americans who may disagree with certain government policies," Cardin said in a statement.
In 2005, Cardin, then a member of the House, held a meeting on Iraq policy with a Baltimore-based peace group. The meeting was the subject of one of dozens of intelligence logs that undercover state police officers entered into a database as they monitored activists from Takoma Park to Baltimore.