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Michigan Couple Tasered at their Wedding Reception.

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trthnd4jstc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-31-08 09:38 PM
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Michigan Couple Tasered at their Wedding Reception.
Here is the link. It is a shame. One must mind ones temper when around the police. Nothing makes a cop feel more in control other than dominating someone who is getting out of hand. This Couple had a wedding reception in an Art Gallery. There was some spilled wine, and broken glasses. Geez! The Gallery Owner wanted to kick 100 plus people out around 11:15 pm. The husband didn't like the lead cop getting so pushy, and the lead cop tasered the husband, and his wife was touching him, so she got tasered, and I bet he got angry about that, and then was tasered a second time. I want to see the end of Law Enforcement as a Career and have Citizen's Police Force, all able bodied people as a duty to their community must serve on squads, know how to shoot, know how to defend ourselves, and know how to obey the spirit of the Constitution. End Tyranny. Begin Justice. Begin Brotherhood. End Selfishness. Begin Decency. Begin Honesty.

Here is the link:
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zbird Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-31-08 09:46 PM
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1. More to the story inside.
"Most of the guests left peacefully, but some continued to be disorderly, swearing at and getting physical with officers.

When police gained control of the situation, three officers were assaulted and five people were arrested - the bride, the groom, the groom's father, the groom's brother and another woman. They were later arraigned on assault and battery, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, obstruction of police and damage to property charges.

Then early Tuesday morning, Michigan State police troopers responded to a noise complaint at a home in Chikaming Township where the newlyweds were staying. When they arrived they heard glass breaking inside, and even saw Somora attack his wife.

The couple was arrested and charged with resisting and obstructing police. Andrew was also charged with misdemeanor domestic abuse."
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ret5hd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-31-08 09:48 PM
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2. Was it these people???
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sailor65 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-31-08 09:49 PM
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3. wow, nice spin
Maybe BOR will give you a job?
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