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Dole opposes civil rights for the unfaithful

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Faun Otter Donating Member (156 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-08 09:18 AM
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Dole opposes civil rights for the unfaithful
In NC, carpet bagger Libby Dole is running an attack ad against Kay Hagan that casts her as an atheist. This is a weird claim in view of Hagan's strong religious faith and the fact that she is.... a sunday school teacher!

Dole is best known for her failure to demand screening of blood donations for the HIV virus when she was in charge of the Red Cross. Her attack is based on Hagan having received some money from Godless Americans PAC (GAPAC)

This group represents the nation’s diverse community of Atheists, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and others who do not embrace religious creeds to demand:

"... their full recognition as American citizens."

It seems that Dole is not only opposed to civil rights for people who are not part of the Church of America but that she thinks that anyone who has been in the same room as such heathens is unfit to serve in the Senate. This sounds suspiciously like a "religious test" for office. One wonders if Dole would be attacking Hagan if she had received donations from groups demanding "full recognition as American citizens" for ANY other group?
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northernsoul Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-08 09:25 AM
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1. I didn't know that GAPAC existed until now, maybe I'll send them some $$$
I wasn't aware that my ability to participate in public life was contingent upon positing belief in imaginary entities.
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UnrepentantUnitarian Donating Member (887 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-08 09:30 AM
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2. A new low for a narrow-minded politician and party.
...and if they don't disavow it, then they will deserve the ridicule that's coming (from church-state separation groups).
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Morpheal Donating Member (145 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-30-08 11:27 PM
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Hey, no surprise that someone in American politics, such as Dole, would contend that heathens
atheists, pagans and others of a similar viewpoint, are unfit for political office, and leading to the
retrogressive, conservative, actually also Puritan (founding fathers of America) idea that heathens
are unfit to live and should not be allowed to live on Earth.

Well, the whole premise of the Cold War with the USSR was that if they would not give in and
abandon their godless atheism, then it was right to destroy the world if that's what it takes to
kill off those godless atheist heathens.

While that argument might seem a bit extreme and twisted, in terms of historical "fact", it is
what the behavior of the United Sates in relation to the USSR actually was. Godless, athiest,
satanic, communism had to be destroyed by the Puritan nation of America.

Insane. Utterly, completely insane.


Robert Morpheal
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