Hey, no surprise that someone in American politics, such as Dole, would contend that heathens atheists, pagans and others of a similar viewpoint, are unfit for political office, and leading to the retrogressive, conservative, actually also Puritan (founding fathers of America) idea that heathens are unfit to live and should not be allowed to live on Earth.
Well, the whole premise of the Cold War with the USSR was that if they would not give in and abandon their godless atheism, then it was right to destroy the world if that's what it takes to kill off those godless atheist heathens.
While that argument might seem a bit extreme and twisted, in terms of historical "fact", it is what the behavior of the United Sates in relation to the USSR actually was. Godless, athiest, satanic, communism had to be destroyed by the Puritan nation of America.
Insane. Utterly, completely insane.
Robert Morpheal