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Outernational, Tom Morello cover 'Deportees' to protest AZ immigration law

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dana_b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-29-10 01:52 AM
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Outernational, Tom Morello cover 'Deportees' to protest AZ immigration law
“We recorded 'Deportees' with Tom Morello and are going down to Arizona on May 29th to stand with all the people courageously fighting back against these unjust and immoral laws,” Outernational’s Miles Solay said in a statement issued this week. “Outernational is about a whole new world, a world without borders and nations. Todos somos illegales. We are all illegals.”

Morello, long known for his own politically provocative music with Rage Against the Machine and the Nightwatchman, said, “Prejudice and ignorance are at the core of Arizona's recent immigration legislation and Woody Guthrie's ‘Deportees’ was written to combat just that sort of prejudice."

Guthrie wrote the song following a 1948 plane crash near Los Gatos Canyon in Central California, killing 28 Mexican migrant workers and four Americans. The New York Times report of the crash listed the names of the three flight crew members and a security guard, but referred to the Mexican workers only as “deportees."

Link to the MP3:
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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-29-10 02:08 AM
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1. Does this mean there are no countries if there are no borders?
Why do people fight wars then?

Or Is this like the American Indian idea that no one owns the land either? Maybe private property doesn't exist right?

Yeah we can all make up whatever rules we want in this guys lala land.
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saras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-29-10 02:27 AM
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2. Illegals...
I was just reading a book of old Rolling Stone interviews from the early Seventies, where Neil Young 'fesses up to being an illegal immigrant, working in the USA without a green card, for all of Buffalo Springfield and at least the first CSNY album.

Damned illegals... they say he's the godfather of grunge.

No, seriously, illegal aliens brought smallpox to North and South America, with severe consequences for both continents, shortly after 1492. Who knows what could happen this time?

As far as I'm concerned, there are three eras to American immigration - there's the pre-racial era, from 5000BC or earlier to the late nineteenth century, when racially based immigration laws were put into effect, the "Ellis Island" era, continuing now, of explicitly racial and national quotas, and the coming post-racial era.

Whether there's illegal aliens in Area 51 is another matter entirely...
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