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So Republicans use Shirley Sherrod's "anger toward the (white) man who killed her father"

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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-26-10 09:07 AM
Original message
So Republicans use Shirley Sherrod's "anger toward the (white) man who killed her father"
as another example of how blacks are so much more racist that the Republicans or the "Tea Party" ...

Gee ... as a young woman, she was traumatized by the fact that her father was killed, and the system failed her family because of race. Big surprise. The real surprise is that she was able to heal that wound (although the scar is there) and go on to put the anger aside and help the very same "people" who "deserted" her ... in a way.

But ...

you have one guy in Arizona murdered by an "illegal immigrant" during a "drug deal gone bad" (um, isn't selling illegal drugs an illegal act? Isn't murder an illegal act?) ...

and legislation has to be ramrodded into place and made a national (Federal) case.
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Bitwit1234 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-26-10 11:06 AM
Response to Original message
1. I have one thing to say
If someone killed my father, and that person was white OR black I would feel anger toward them. In the case of Sherrod she shows great compassion to help the race of people who killed him. But that's because she knows that just because one group of whites were racist that doesn't mean all are racists. And that goes for black people also. There are some racists and there are a lot who aren't. Sherrod is intelligent enough to realize that, tea bags and republicans don't have that intelligence and how could you expect them to be anything but racists.
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