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I know driving is a priveldge not a right ,however....

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NikRik Donating Member (185 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-03-10 11:56 AM
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I know driving is a priveldge not a right ,however....
for some,me included being without a car to drive and the ability to drive it would be the same as cutting my legs off.In 1982 I was living in Illinois I moved to Ca. when I was 15 in 1972 with my parents. However I found myself back in Ill. in the early 1980's hoping to make good $ at a job I was promised by friend.Well none of it panned out, I will try and make this as short as possible I never had a Ill' Driver Lic only Ca. however the Ill' DMV (they call it "The Secratary of State")have my Ill. I.D..card # listed as my Ill. driver license. Now Iam back in Ca since 1982 right after the DUI ,unemployed and no way to pay the high fines etc . Plus the new promise of training to be a jeweler. I went to the Ca. DMV to renew my licens in the 1990's not sure what year and they said there was a hold out of Ill. on my driving "privledge" I have not had even a parking ticket and I quit drinking years ago . There is a book size stack of papers they make you fill out to get a hearing with a hearing officer in Ill. At fifty dollares a pop the always find a reason to reject your application for a hearing so they can collect another fifty $ and make you start the nightmare filing out of the paper work.They do not even point out which part of the app made it not good enough to get you a hearing . Iam married now for 16 years have two young children who need rides to football practice ,soccer practice and or course school. Plus my job is aprx a forty mile drive. I have been lucky however once I did get pulled over and my car was impounded for thirty days at a cost of $2200 plus a $500 dollare fine for being a unlicensed driver! Never had a accident,1982 was my only DUI. I have begged Ill. to give me my hearing which falls on deaf ears. I could have committed manslauter and been out of jail years ago and have a driver lic. This is a nighmare that it seems will never end . That is unless I had the $ to hire a expensive lawyer in Ill. Does anyone have any exprience simular to mine and gotten past step one getting a hearing ? If yes please PM me with details !
Thank You ,Nick
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izquierdista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-03-10 12:08 PM
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1. Get a new identity
Seriously, it would be far easier to become a new person than to try to correct the record from 30 years ago (just ask Roman Polanski). Go to another state where you have a friend or relative, have them take you to their DMV with your birth certificate and other ID and try the "I've been living out of the country for the last 5 years excuse" as to why you need to get a new license from scratch.
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jdlh8894 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-03-10 12:12 PM
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2. After 28 yrs.
Surprised IL still has the paperwork.Sounds like something else is going on.
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-03-10 03:36 PM
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3. Spell check is your friend.
I had to carp, but your post is very hard to make sense of between the misspellings, lack of paragraphing, and run on sentences.

I'm also confused. When was the last time you tried to get a driver's license? Was it back in the 90's? You've been driving unlicensed most of your life? Do you carry insurance?

I was told, many years ago, possibly in the 1970's, that states were beginning to share information with each other about such things as tickets. I have no idea if there's a statute of limitations on those things. That's the kind of thing a good research librarian would be happy to help you with. Perhaps Legal Aid could help you out.
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NorthCarolinaLiberty Donating Member (35 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-03-10 08:33 PM
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4. .....
Sorry to hear about all of this. I don't quite follow all the details and really don't have an answer for you, but don't ever let anyone tell you that driving is a privilege. Driving is a right that falls under the basic legal concept of right to travel.

That does not mean however, that someone can't take that right away. I wish you well.
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NikRik Donating Member (185 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-04-10 08:12 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Thank You to All !
I apoligize for the typo's and the long sentences etc. ! I was in a hurry and was also trying to not make the post to long.I appreciate the suggestions and believe me I thought of many ideas to get a LIC. They use your SS# to track you and this muti state nationial data base started in the early 1990's. I have my car in my wifes name and yes it is insured , or else I would have gotten another $1000 ticket for driving without insurance. I really wanted to legally get my lic back however Ill. told me they dont care how long its been thirty or forty years ! I've been driving unlicensed since 1994 when I last tried to renew my Ca. Lic and was told that Ill. had a out of state hold on my Lic. Its like big brother is messing with me and will continue to. Any good lawyers out there want to take on a pro bono case.I really need help, I find this so unfair when others who have had several DUI's are licensed and driving around.I have'nt had a drink in years just dont like it ! Please save me from this madness ! Thanks to all that replied!
Take Care,
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NikRik Donating Member (185 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-04-10 09:42 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Right to travel a real basic right ,,,,,,,
.....including th right to drive on the public highways ! Under the 14th amendmant and current court rullings ,the states cannot restrict a persons right to travel by requireing a driver license the cannot stop you car for no reason (DUI check points) Apprently every case that has made it to the suptreme court has ruled in favor of driving being a right not a privledge ! I have copied alot of information on this.Iam rather surprised that all this time its been ruled multible times that driving is a right that cannot be restricted by states (Drivers lic) Do a Google search on Right to travel/driver license ! I have copied this information and plan on confronting, The Illinois Secratary of State and their ridiculous 28 year hold on my Divers License ! Now that I have the Supreme Court rulings on my side I feel more confident. Next Iam looking into the law on the limits on how long they can continue to deny me my right to travel under the 14th amedment?
Thank You
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NorthCarolinaLiberty Donating Member (35 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-04-10 10:23 AM
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7. .....
Edited on Sat Sep-04-10 10:23 AM by NorthCarolinaLiberty

I wonder if you have a remedy by not presenting your Slave Surveillance Number to the BMV. Do you have a state law specifically stating the you must present SSN when getting a license? I wonder if it might be similar to starting a new job. You do not have to present you SSN to a new employer (but of course, good luck keeping that job). The BMV is a government entity however, and they might be trumped by the Socialy Security Administration. If there is no reguation or law stating you need present SSN, then an attorney might be able to help you.
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NikRik Donating Member (185 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-06-10 09:17 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. providing SS# to DMV !
Sadly its a requirement here in CA. that you provide your SS# in order to get a DL or an ID card. Apprently they figure this will stop those who crossed the border from Mexico to the US illegally from being able to get a drivers license and in turn a job that requires driving also ! Plus without your SS# they would have a hard time identifying a out of state hold on a individual with a common name for instance "John Smith" etc. Thanks for your suggestions and interest in my situation ,this really does suck !
Take Care,Nick
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