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10 Ways to Outfox Cops That Are Abusing Their Powers to Trick You

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BridgeTheGap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 07:52 AM
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10 Ways to Outfox Cops That Are Abusing Their Powers to Trick You
What few people understand, but police know all too well, is that your constitutional rights only apply if you understand and assert them.
As a 33-year law enforcement veteran and former training commander with the Maryland State Police and Baltimore Police Department, I know how easy it is to intimidate citizens into answering incriminating questions or letting me search through their belongings. This reality might make things easier for police looking to make an easy arrest, but it doesn't always serve the interests of justice. That's why I believe all citizens should understand how to protect their constitutional rights and make smart decisions when dealing with officers of the law.

Unfortunately, this important information has remained largely unavailable to the public, despite growing concerns about police misconduct and the excesses of the war on drugs. For this reason, I agreed to serve as a technical consultant for the important new film, 10 Rules for Dealing with Police. The 40-minute docudrama aims to educate the public about basic legal and practical survival strategies for handling even the scariest police encounters. It was produced by the civil liberties group Flex Your Rights and is narrated by former federal judge and acclaimed Baltimore trial lawyer William "Billy" Murphy, Jr.

The opening scene portrays Darren, a young black man getting pulled over. He's driving home from college. This is the fifth time he's been pulled over in a year. Frustrated and scared, Darren immediately breaks Rule #1: Always Be Calm & Cool. Mouthing off to the officer, Darren aggressively exits the car and slams the door. The officer overreacts, dropping Darren with a taser shot to his chest.
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IdaBriggs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 08:30 AM
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1. Wow! GOOD information!
Thank you for posting! :) Best, Ida
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wo ooo Donating Member (40 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 08:57 AM
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2. the worst mistake you can make
is spouting off with that "i know my rights" speech
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Commie Pinko Dirtbag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-10 10:25 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. That would be rule #2: Remain silent. -nt
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safeinOhio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 09:05 AM
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3. Drives them nuts
Edited on Fri Nov-19-10 09:07 AM by safeinOhio
when you remain silent.

My ex, a cop, gave me a shirt that said "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be misquoted and used against you."
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groovedaddy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 09:08 AM
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4. #2 is extremely important and probably what brings most people down - KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
Plenty of attorney friends have told me same thing. The only thing to say: If you're going to question me, I want an attorney present.
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Esscena Donating Member (34 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 08:47 PM
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5. Thanks for the post.
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stopschoolpaddling Donating Member (353 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 11:29 PM
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6. What advice would you give to the student
who's been ordered to BEND OVER?
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RSillsbee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-16-10 07:47 AM
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8. All you need to know about police interactions
Officer,are you detaining me?

Officer, am I free to leave?

Officer, I would like to speak to a lawyer before answering any questions or making any statement.

Officer, I do not consent to any searches
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NikRik Donating Member (185 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-10 10:09 AM
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9. This stuff will work with suburban cops however
when it comes to many of our large cities the police have so much power over the streets that they will beat you down and then write a false report stating you where uncoperative and aggressive two or three of them will billy club the hell of of ya then add a litte tasering just for fun.If you have nothing to hide just let them search your car or whatever. When your done dealing with the idiots just say thank you and leave and be happy they did not put some drugs in your car and charge you with possesion! I grew up in Chicago and when I was younger we all knew the last thing you did to a Chicago cop was be a smart ass,if you acted like one you have no idea depending on the cop what you might be in for.Now hopfully things have changed by now ? I always am respectfull and polite to police and they seem to respond to that much better then spouting off about your rights !
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Shagbark Hickory Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-24-11 12:33 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. True fact.
There are corrupt cops, not just in big cities of course, they are also in small towns.
I am very wary of cops.
They never seem to want to do anything to help me when I call them and they have abused their power with me when I was younger.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-24-11 07:37 PM
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dotymed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-11 08:33 AM
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12. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way.
I used to be a functioning alcoholic with an authority complex. I was very cocky when confronted and not afraid to fight. After many run-ins with the law and my smart ass attitude (usually, after they "get your number", it doesn't matter how you respond), I had to move to stay out of more jail time. (The old change of geography that is popular among alcoholics)
Anyway, I suffered many beat downs by the police and and watched them lie their asses off in court. After a lot of intermittent jail time (to me). I finally learned (operant conditioning) to "uncle tom" my way around these power hungry, lying assholes. It has not always been successful because some of them are too arrogant for me shuffle for. Even, at age 40, I was charged (originally as a felony) with "intimidation of a police officer", because I would not allow an unbearably obnoxious cop to handcuff me, "for my protection", while he questioned me about a Union Strike that was very controversial in the small town I had fled to. I did tell him that if he wanted to remove his badge....
Todays police officers seem to be even worse than the ones I grew up with. Most do not believe we have any rights except the ones they want to give us.
I have never been convicted of a felony and I was only charged with one, once. Still, after 25 years, all of those "youthful indiscretions" (if I were wealthy) still haunt me in trying to find a job. The same as the financial problems that have accompanied my progressive health problems. Allowing potential employers to run a credit check as basis for employment, is beyond serfdom. With our modern computers, we can never change in the eyes of TPTB.
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jahlove17 Donating Member (36 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 07:50 PM
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13. Police
The police are certainly not my favorite people, most of the time.
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