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Elementary School Handbook EXPOSED for PROMOTING BULLYING

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stopschoolpaddling Donating Member (353 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 12:24 AM
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Elementary School Handbook EXPOSED for PROMOTING BULLYING
Open letter to Searcy County School District

I received a copy of the Leslie Elementary School Handbook yesterday
and I have some questions regarding it.

On 26 of your handbook, under the heading of Weapons
and Dangerous Instruments it states that you define a weapon as " any
instrument capable of causing bodily harm."
Please refer to the pictures at and
explain why by your own definition you are using weapons on children's
After that please explain this statement from page 5 listed
under Searcy County School District Staff Responsibilities. "Maintain
a positive and safe learning environment."
In light of the above facts how is this achieved?

On page 23 under the heading "Prohibited Conduct" it states that
"willfully and intentionally assaulting or threatening to assault or
physically abusing any student or school employee" is prohibited.

Why is this prohibited for students but not the staff?

And lastly on page 14 it states that "bullying is defined as any
written or verbal expression or PHYSICAL ACT OR GESTURE or pattern
thereof that is intended to cause distress or fear upon one or more

It then states that "Bullying is prohibited."

Please explain how striking a child on the buttocks with a wooden
board does not cause distress or fear and explain in detail why it is prohitbited for students
and is permitted, modeled, and promoted by school staff ?
Please explain why it is called "bullying"
when a student does this and not when your staff commits this act.

Your prompt attention and response to this letter is requested.
Failure to respond in a timely manner will result in the assumption
that you can not produce the answers to these questions.

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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 01:24 PM
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stopschoolpaddling Donating Member (353 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 02:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Are you an employee of the Searcy County School District?
Just wondering.
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