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I launched lawsuit against CSIS and the RCMP...

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shockedcanadian Donating Member (224 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-11 09:55 AM
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I launched lawsuit against CSIS and the RCMP...
For all of the Americans on this board, you have no idea how much persecution goes on in Canada at the domestic level. I would love to have some organization in the U.S champion the Rights of Canadians against their intelligence/police agencies, many would be extremely shocked on how "Stalinisque" these organizations are. Neither the FBI nor CIA enjoy the types of suppressing and unchallenged power that CSIS and the RCMP enjoy in Canada, and I can assure you they abuse these powers on a regular basis. It is more about protecting their unchallenged power and avoidung embarassment than it is about National Security. Canadians AND Americans are jeopardized due to this immoral M.O.

As for my situation,this has been a six year battle with Canadian authorities which has culminated in the launch of this lawsuit in the Federal Courts after attempting to come to terms with these organizations on far too many occassions. It has been an exhausting and fruitless process which I should have discarded long ago in favour of a legal remedy. I was naive and idealistic in my estimation of the Canadian Intelligence community, it is quite apparent that accountability is non-existent to those who hide behind false mantras while increasing their budgets and the level of fear in Canadians year after year.

I have named CSIS, the RCMP and Vic Toews in the suit; the original targeting/manufacturing which began almost twenty years ago will finally come to fruition and in detail.

I know how many people feel about these organizations, many feel it is taboo to even mention them in an online forum. I fully understand this concern, and I do not blame many of you. The reality is that this is precisely why people should be speaking out more, not necessarily in this or any other forum, but by first educating themselves and then communicating with politicians so that some change may occur. Situations like mine are travesties which speak to a much greater issue in this country; I am absolutely sure that there are others like myself who have suffered unnecessarily, any improvement to the lives of victims of such abuses is paramount to a healthy, vibrant democracy.

In a nutshell; noone should have their life essentially snuffed out at the age of 17, especially when they have not murdered anyone or lifted a finger to cause harm to anyone else. I was and am a law abiding adult who worked hard to graduate from university, I even considered pursuing a career in the military; I know what the meaning of sacrificing for ones' country is, even as I decided to not pursue this direction. Noone should be used as a pawn to further the gain of individuals and the organizations that they represent. It has and is happening in Canada and nobody gets to know how it happens, which is why I take my lawsuit seriously and very personal.

Thanks for your time, I will update as the courts proceed.
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murphyj87 Donating Member (570 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-11 10:11 AM
Response to Original message
1. Garbage...
Edited on Wed Jul-13-11 10:39 AM by murphyj87
I think your contentions are delusional, and loaded with American-style paranoia. Canadians have far more rights, freedom, and liberties than Americans have. It is hilarious that you would appeal to Americans, most of whom are secretly monitored under the Patriot Act, to have any sympathy for your delusions. Nothing of the kind that you suggest happens in Canada and it is a testament to your delusions that you think that they do. Go and live in the the United States, since you obviously are infected with American paranoia, however, at least in Canada, you can have treatment for your paranoid delusions with no out of pocket costs, unlike what would happen in the United States.

Just because someone has delusions that something is true doesn't make it true. If he is, in fact, under investigation by CSIS, it is not without just cause. I still firmly believe that this is baseless and delusional.

The lives of far more Americans have been destroyed by the Patriot Act than anything that happens in Canada, and anyone investigated by CSIS is investigated for good reason, while the Patriot Act in the US is very arbitrary.

Obviously your tin foil hat is on too tight.

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just55650 Donating Member (46 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-11 08:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. +1
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-11 10:24 AM
Response to Original message
2. ...

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shockedcanadian Donating Member (224 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-11 09:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. You take such a defensive posture...
When you know nothing regarding my situation or the manner in which CSIS operates in Canada (unless you are of course one of those working for them). Do you have a vested interest in attacking me?

In regards to CSIS; they are mandated to target Canadians on Canadian soil, unlike the CIA which is forbidden to do so. CSIS has more protection and an iron clad secrecy that any democratic intelligence agency would envy,from the Offical Secrecy Act which was decades old (since renamed), to the SIRC which is a shill organization which can only recommend CSIS do things differently. they are such a shill oversight organization in fact that they declared CSIS did no wrong in the Arar case, fortunately, the courts disagreed and he was given $10 million. So much for oversight; a lapdog organization; toothless and irrelevant.

Essentially CSIS can target who they want, when they want and wherever they want in Canada for ANY reason, many based on loose associations and faulty, biased intel. Of course, this leads to many abuses of power, such as Grant Bristow the undercover CSIS operative who funded the Heritage Front with Canadian tax dollars; a radical right wing supremist group, or the recent planting of child porn photos on a suspects computer (which the judge shredded CSIS to pieces for their unethical approach), and of course we do not even need to get into the Arar incident or CSIS's targetting and infiltration of the Reform Party and their leader Preston Manning in an attempt to discredit them. Their interest in me stems from the Reform Party, a party which ironically was founded in part by our current Prime Minister Stephen Harper. It has been suggested they have a file on him due to his association in the 90's. Typical, petty anti-democratic activities from an organization that gets far too LITTLE attention by the world as a human rights abuser.

As much as you place your admiration and trust in this organization, you cannot alter their M.O. CSIS agents are interested in one thing; increasing their budget year after year. That is their number one mandate; their worst National Secrurity enemy is budget cuts bar none. They will operate in any means to manufacture, manipulate, misrepresent and destroy Canadians and their human rights if the ends justify the means. They keep themselves employed by their zealous desire to paint anyone and everyone they can as security threats. Recent comments by Richard Fadden support this, he alluded to their fear of the "lone wolf" threat; basically he wants Canadians to feel that anyone and everyone could be a threat; the boogeyman is out there but CSIS is here to save you. Bollocks. They dig holes and fill them.

The RCMP are no better in the manner in which they operate during criminal investigations. As you probably know CSIS was the former branch of the RCMP, they retained many of the old guard when they were formed in 1984. Such entrapment tactics such as those used by the "Mr. Big" role play are outlawed in the U.S and UK, but perfectly legal in the Canadian intelligence community which still operates in the stoneage. In Montebello Quebec they utilized agent provacateurs to give the appearance the peaceful protest was anything but. They denied involvements for the longest time under proof was provided, then they humbly denied their ops were doing anything violent even when caught on video. Both CSIS and the RCMP have the same pattern of denying, even recently lying in court and being charged with perjury against video evidence. It is startling to see and read how much disregard for law and order is represented by those sworn to protect those very same principles.

You know nothing about my six year battle with Canadian intel, nor the threats they have voiced or lives they have ruined. I have met with former agents, authors who have written about CSIS, lawyers who have battled them, and some who have been targets. I think I am quite aware of how dirty they are, and most importantly how their tactics are systematic abuses of human rights in Canada. I will continue to expose them and their immoral and unethical structure until their is true oversight and accountability.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-11 07:29 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. When I read your posts, all I hear is "blah blah blah disorganized crazy shit."
You don't have to read every single word, or digest every sentence, to recognize someone who needs to be on medication.

Seriously, go get help.

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shockedcanadian Donating Member (224 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-11 11:55 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Then why comment?
You say I talk nonsense, then why comment? Counter intuitive response don't you think? Maybe others concerned with Human Rights might want to read what is going on in Canada. If you are comfortable with your knowledge than so be it, I think that others are open to understanding what is happening in Canada to individuals. Don't attack me; refute the facts, I would love to read your argument.

All that I have stated is factual and has been presented major mainstream media sources. Simply google and you will get results that shed more light on the subject:

Grant Bristow, Heritage Front CSIS

Reform Party, CSIS, Stephen Harper

RCMP, Montebello Quebec, agent provacateur

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. There is a long history of Canadian Intelligence abuses, many cases have gone to federal and supreme court in this country. If you think that such abuses of power don't exist in Canada (and elsewhere), then let others who are more skeptical read for themselves, or help them understand the world like you do by posting some useful counter arguments, not personal attacks.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-11 11:58 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Because maybe if enough people tell you you're sick, you'll get help.
Edited on Thu Jul-14-11 11:59 AM by Ian David
Also, I didn't bother reading anything past your subject line, just so you know how much time you wasted.

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