Thanks for your candid response. I understand your position, myself, a strong defender of legitimate intelligence operations would ask the same questions. In my case, the answer unfortunately is not simple nor cut and dry. I cannot go into too deep of a detai as the response would need to be extremely detailed and complex, but I will give some broad strokes. You can be sure I would never go to the lengths I have to garner attention on myself from the state if I was not innocent. This you can be absolutely sure of regardless of your doubts. I am a University graduate with a scholastic award under my belt and I went as far as my MBA.
Their interest in me has changed ironically, and it is very complex (I have written an almost 100,000 word book outlining this in more detail). At this point for all intents and purposes has nothing to do with National Security or protecting Canadians, it has to do with protecting themselves. The fact that I was aware they were targeting me at IBM and I went to the Security Intelligence Review Committee to launch a complaint against them. I basically "made" their operative and was willing to expose these activities at a publicly traded company. it was the worst decision I could have made. Instead of less interference as one would expect, I experienced MORE. I was threatened twice after making this complaint and when I began my job at a major bank (RBC), I experienced the same until I was "managed out" of the company. It is their full intent to assassinate my character, and cover their own asses.
Their initial interest in me lied with their (and my) interest in The Reform Party (I have posted links to these stories). This was a grassroots political party that developed in Western Canada, founded by among other people a man named Preston Manning and Canada's current Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Yes, I kid you not, our current PM very likely was part of an organization which CSIS and the RCMP deemed a security risk. In fact, the current government has a major part of the Reform Party as it's members, it joined with The Canadian Alliance and the Conservaitves to form the current government (a majority, as it were).
When this organization was gaining some interest in Eastern Canada (Ontario where I am from), CSIS and the RCMP viewed them as a threat, a new party in which they didn't have the same amount of influence and control as they did in the traditional political parties in Canada (Liberals, Conservatives and NDP). I was not extremely interested in politics, but some of their beliefs made sense to me, including:
-a desire to eliminate affirmative action as it was not effective - a desire to have referredums held with Canadians if any drastic legal changes or changes to the Charter of Rights and freedoms were to be discussed (unlike now where it is totally in the hands of Parlaiment).
CSIS and the RCMP, infiltrated The Reform party as they viewed them as some sort of radical threat. Keep in mind this is a law abiding party on Canadian soil. When they infiltrated this party their goal was simple; to discredit and tarnish them. In fact none other than a former CSIS agent has publicly stated this (Michael Juneu something or other). This was done by presenting them as a party full of radical, racist members; including some members of the Heritage Front (a White supremist organization funded by CSIS mole Grant Bristow).
The issue at the border was simply another in a long list of right violations which I have had to ensure. I have been to the U.S many times, in fact, I admire the U.S for their strong belief in freedom and civic duty and I have NEVER posed a threat to them, any more than I have ever posed a threat to Canada. I am not a violent person, not a terrorist or threat in any way shape or form, yet, this happens to me. It's the old guard, the dinosaur intelligence agencies in Canada more interested in manufacturing a threat and increasing their budgets, rather than dealing with legitimate and honest threats.
So there you have it, very briefly, their desire to target me and unwillingness to deny my allegations. If you read many of my former postings there will be more light shed on the subject. It is shocking for many to believe that a country as admired as Canada operates this way, and they are protected by the most draconian secrecy laws in ANY Western nation (and even some non-democratic nations). We are a great country with great citizens, but our intelligence agencies are quite immoral and absolutely unaccountable for the activities they engage in.