In an Action (lawsuit), the defendants (in this case CSIS and the RCMP) have 30 days to respond to the accusations, either guilty or not guilty, this time frame has since elapsed.
In ongoing discussions with the Crown lawyer they have not denied my accusations, instead he has tried to drown me with requests (standard and expected). A blanket statement of not guilty would have been expected, and actually would have saved us both time under the right circumstances, of course, unless they have something to hide, which I am obviously arguing.
I have put forward a motion to Disclose Documents, (a la Maher Arar) my dossier and other files which are being held on me are supposed to be accessible due to the Privacy Act. Anyone who knows how this country works (see Tommy Douglas as a prime example) knows that the government will defy International Treaties and Domestic Rights and Obligations in order to with hold any information and maintain a Secret State. In no other Western society will you find this draconian and oppressive stance towards their citizens, bar none.
I have requested this information in the action and repeatedly asked for it from the Crown as it is paramount to my defense. In Canada there is no interest in the defense of the individual, this is about the state and the collective control over the information and the right to do and say whatever they would like to against someone without ever being accountable for the actions. Transparency and liberty simply do not exist here. It is a message that is worth repeating over and over again.
I will update everyone as it progresses. He has threatened to forward a motion to strike my action; which is ironic considering they did not even answer to the original accusation. Anything and everything to avoid speaking the truth, the facts; abiding by a democracy.
How is this for a Draconian court system which gives absolute power to the Crown?