And found who Tommy Douglas is. He's a remarkable man. (Which is why he's requesting the information made in the original post's article, be made available).
From wiki:
... Douglas and the Saskatchewan CCF then went on to win five straight majority victories in all subsequent Saskatchewan provincial elections up to 1960. Most of his government's pioneering innovations came about during its first term, including:
the creation of the publicly owned Saskatchewan Power Corp., successor to the Saskatchewan Electrical Power Commission, which began a long program of extending electrical service to isolated farms and villages;
the creation of Canada's first publicly owned automotive insurance service, the Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office;
the creation of a large number of Crown Corporations, many of which competed with existing private sector interests;
legislation that allowed the unionization of the public service;
a program to offer free hospital care to all citizens—the first in Canada.
passage of the Saskatchewan Bill of Rights, legislation that broke new ground as it protected both fundamental freedoms and equality rights against abuse not only by government actors but also on the part of powerful private institutions and persons. (The Saskatchewan Bill of Rights preceded the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations by 18 months)...