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Would this be considered spying on students?

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Remmah2 Donating Member (971 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-04-11 07:51 AM
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Would this be considered spying on students?
Talk about big brother is watching. I always believed that universities were the bastion of civil liberties. What's done once the data is collected? Blackmail some person when they're 45?

"If only there had been a way to look into a crystal ball and see that this horrific confrontation was about to occur, it could have been prevented. In the aftermath of nearly every large-scale act of campus violence in the United States, investigation has revealed that early-warning signs had been present but not recognized or acted upon. As a response, nearly all college and university campuses have developed threat-assessment teams, whereby key members of various campus groups come together regularly to share information and discuss troubling student behavior."

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