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Tourists Mimic Polar Pioneers, Except With Planes and Blogs

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groovedaddy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 11:52 AM
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Tourists Mimic Polar Pioneers, Except With Planes and Blogs
When the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott arrived at the South Pole only to find that he had been beaten there by Roald Amundsen and his team of Norwegians, he was despondent. “Great God! This is an awful place,” he lamented in his diary.

Awful as it may be, it is about to get a lot of foot traffic. Hundreds of people — tourists, adventurers and history buffs — are lining up to visit the South Pole in honor of the 100th anniversaries of Amundsen’s arrival (on Dec. 14, 1911) and Scott’s (Jan. 17, 1912). The preparations are already speeding along.

Some people intend to ski the exact routes of Amundsen and Scott, reading the explorers’ diaries daily and blogging about the experience. Others will drive to the pole by truck. For those seeking less exertion, there will be catered flights to the pole, including several that will let passengers off a few miles away so they can ski the remaining stretch and feel the thrill of victory.

One of the many tour operators trying to cash in on the fervor is Polar Explorers, a company in suburban Chicago that is charging $40,500 for a flight to the pole on either anniversary (weather permitting). People who want to be dropped off a degree or two away so they can ski in will pay up to $57,500.
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rfranklin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 12:11 PM
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1. Will it boost the local economy?
What a freakin' waste of time and money.
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