Airmen continue Redux rejectionBy Erik Holmes - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Dec 17, 2008 15:30:38 EST
The percentage of eligible airmen who opt to take the $30,000 Redux bonus at the 15-year mark in their careers has declined steadily and sharply since the option first became available. That trend largely mirrors the other services, data provided by the Air Force Personnel Center show.
AFPC could not provide reliable data to meet the deadline for a Dec. 1 article about trends in the number of service members taking the bonus, which requires recipients to accept reduced retirement pay when they leave the service. But AFPC has now provided the data.
Twenty-five percent of eligible enlisted airmen and 3 percent of eligible officers took the bonus in fiscal 2008. That is down sharply from the 43 percent of eligible enlisted airmen and 17 percent of officers who chose the Redux payment in 2002, a year after the bonus was first offered.
In raw numbers, 1,489 enlisted airmen and 74 officers took the Redux payment in 2008, compared with 3,020 enlisted airmen and 142 officers in 2002.
The 25 percent of eligible enlisted airmen who took the bonus in fiscal 2008 was consistent with percentages in other services. During the same period, 28 percent of eligible enlisted Marines and 24 percent of enlisted sailors took the bonus. Complete data were not available for the Army.
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