Rebuilding Afghanistan one well at a timeStaff report
Posted : Wednesday Dec 17, 2008 15:26:04 EST
Airmen in Afghanistan are out to win the trust of villagers with clean water and electrical power.
“As we travel throughout the province, the Afghans tell us water availability is one of their biggest concerns,” Lt. Col. Steve Cabosky, commander of the Nangarhar Provincial Reconstruction Team, said in a release.
So the team organized and funded a project to build eight wells in six districts for $30,000.
“This (well) project allowed us to directly address some of those needs and demonstrates the team’s ability to work closely with the local government to improve the lives of the Afghan people,” he added.
The wells bring a reliable water source to thousands of people, said Capt. Elisabeth Leon, chief engineer for the Nangarhar PRT.
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