Yokota Security Airmen Back From IraqStars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Sunday, December 21, 2008
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — Nine members of the 374th Security Forces Squadron returned Friday from a six-month deployment to Baghdad, according to a 374th Airlift Wing news release.
During the deployment, the team conducted mounted and dismounted patrols and handled traffic control. The airmen also helped carry out raids targeting suspected terrorists.
"We patrolled Iraq looking for illegal weapons, contraband and unauthorized people," Tech. Sgt. Michael Esquar, a squadron flight chief, said in the release.
Senior Airman Charlecia Martin said she gained a newfound respect for her job and the U.S. military as a whole.
"Iraq was a rewarding experience," she said in the release. "We met the families in the neighborhood and formed bonds that became helpful because they would point out suspicious activities and people."