Fort Huachuca Soldiers Restricted From MexicoThe Associated Press
Posted : Sunday Dec 21, 2008 9:06:53 EST
TUCSON, Ariz. — The Army is tightening restrictions on soldiers stationed at Fort Huachuca who want to travel to Mexico because of rising violence south of the border.
The nearly 7,000 troops based at the southern Arizona post now must receive permission from a top commander before traveling to Mexico, base officials said. Another 11,000 or so family members, civilian staffers and contractors at the fort are “strongly urged” not to visit Mexican cities such as Naco, Agua Prieta and Nogales, a popular shopping, dining and nightlife destination.
The Army can’t legally stop family members and civilian workers from visiting Mexico, but it is warning them not to do so for their own safety, said Tanja Linton, a spokeswoman for Fort Huachuca. The post is about 75 miles southeast of Tucson and less than 20 miles from Mexico.
“We are constantly monitoring this situation in the interest of protecting our people,” Linton said.
Fort Huachuca’s travel restrictions, put in place on Tuesday, are less severe than those at Fort Hood in Texas, where soldiers are banned outright from traveling to numerous Mexican border cities. Travel restrictions are set by installation commanders and vary with local conditions, Linton said.