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JSF Still on the Ground?

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 07:06 AM
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JSF Still on the Ground?

JSF Still on the Ground?

Our boy Bob Cox from the Fort Worth Star Telegram has been watching out for JSF test flights like some UFO nut-job casing Area 51...and we love him for it.

His latest dispatch on Sky Talk is a couple days old, but the stuff he mentions about the shakiness of the F-35's international partners is worth noting - and checking out.

Well yet another day has passed without the F-35 test aircraft returning to flight. As we noted previously on this blog, Lockheed Martin folks were geared up to fly the plane on Tuesday for the first time since a critical problem was discovered on May 3. But that flight was scrubbed shortly before the expected 2:30 p.m. takeoff.

Wednesday came and went without a flight either. No explanations forthcoming from Lockheed officials as to what has happened to delay the return to flight, other than they couldn't complete all the preparations on Tuesday. But another source tells the Star-Telegram that there was a problem discovered with one of the many sensors on board the aircraft.

No word on whether it was a primary system sensor, or a sensor that checks the other sensors!

Rest of article at:

uhc comment: Previous threads on this $233,000,000 fighter -->
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 07:14 AM
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1. when are they going to shit can that piece crap and build th Boeing plane, the decision to
chose that one was a real surprise to more than just the boeing people. their plane had a lot of the F22 technology in it. it should have been a shoe in,

the boeing plane was much more simple and performed better, i was working for boeing at the time on the F22 and Delta3. info about was in the employee paper all the time
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 07:19 AM
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2. the REAL question was . how'd they get the first piece of crap to fly in the test, it had a
of problems then
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