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Does anyone here know about hatching geese?

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Denninmi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-10 06:52 PM
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Does anyone here know about hatching geese?
Edited on Wed Dec-08-10 07:03 PM by Denninmi
I would like to try my hand at this in the spring. After reviewing breeds, I believe I would like to try Pilgrims. I found a source from Mass. that will mail me any quantity (I would probably do 6 eggs, so as to hopefully end up with at least 2 birds).

But, I've heard that geese are harder to incubate than other waterfowl/poultry/gamebird eggs. I don't know if that is true or not?

FWIW, I have a pretty much idiot proof incubate, the Brinsea Octagon 20 Advanced EX. It has automatic temperature and humidity control, and automatic turning. It is all digital and computer controlled. All I have to do is put it in a room with a fairly stable environment, and remember to fill the water reservoir about every 10 days.

Any advice on incubating and hatching geese would be much appreciated. I've done chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail, pheasants all with success, just never geese.

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dgibby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-10 07:04 PM
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1. Do you have laying hens?
My mother told me once that they would take abandoned duck eggs and place them under their laying hens. She said it always worked, but the trouble started when the little ducklings wanted to go swimming. Seems it drove the hens crazy, since chickens don't swim. I'd think goose eggs would probably do as well as duck eggs, but I'm no expert, so don't know for sure. Good luck!
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rocktivity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-10 07:08 PM
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2. Here's an e-book on the subject
Edited on Wed Dec-08-10 07:11 PM by rocktivity
Complete with a free preview: How To Raise Geese

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Illuminate Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-10 07:09 PM
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3. I have...
Hey there.
A family member transported three Pilgrim goose eggs for me to hatch and all three were successful.
I have the incubator you mentioned but I frankly find my old Brower incubator with auto-turn a very reliable standby for me as long as I keep it covered to prevent temperature fluctuations. That's the one I use and I do go to the trouble of also turning the eggs by hand.
The key to waterfowl eggs is to lightly mist them once per day up until, I think, the last three days prior to hatching. This mimics the wet plumage of the female leaving to eat and returning damp to the eggs. Yes, domestic geese are more terrestrial but it still holds.
Also, it does help if the eggs are fresh and carefully handled.

Good luck. I like my Pilgrims. They can fly for short distances too.
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Denninmi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-08-11 09:47 PM
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4. Just thought I'd update this thread.
I ended up hatching 3 Pilgrims, from a couple of separate batches of eggs. I ended up ordering some off of Ebay, and was rather disappointed with the first batch, they were very dirty and poorly packaged. I complained and the seller sent more.

Here they are, about a week ago:

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