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Kerry speaking from Afghanistan

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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 09:00 AM
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Kerry speaking from Afghanistan
So, now we know where he was yesterday.

""If you add troops and have the strategy we've had, that won't get the job done," Kerry said after having breakfast early Thursday with U.S. forces. "But if you use the troops to give you the ability to do the real work more at the local level, the provincial level, making a difference in people's lives, then you have a chance to win over hearts and minds as well."

The senator said it's equally important for the United States to help stand up the Afghani police force as it is the nation's military force.

"They're going to have to recruit like crazy and train like crazy, but that's doable," Kerry said.

The senator said the Taliban exerts control through brute force but the public would be willing to reject them if they felt safe in their daily lives."

(All things he has said since at least 2006)
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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 10:24 AM
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1. Cool, was wondering about the trip.
Posted here.

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