I listened to that entire SFRC hearing, and I found the dissenters far more compelling than those in favor. I also listened to the President speak just now, and remained unmoved. I just don't have a bone in my body for "liberal interventionism". I am for using diplomacy and other peaceful means to change things. Beyond that, it better be directly in the United States's strategic interest before our military force is used. Clearly, in this case it is not. Again, horrible things are happening in Bahrain and Yemen, and we aren't planning on doing anything there. So this is just based on our historically not liking Qaddafi, and being able to hobble together Europeans and the Arab League to do this action. I am with Lugar questioning how much will the Arab League be involved either militarily or financially. Not much, in my opinion.
This is the Kerry supporter forum, but that does not mean we Kerry supporters are going to agree with him on every issue. In this case, I disagree vehemently with him.
Having said all that, I hope to God I am wrong, and that this action is quick and successful. But seriously, this country has major financial problems and we need to be winding down our foreign interventions not adding new ones.
Edit: Oh, and one more thing. Let's have an AUMF for this. Bush got one, let's have Obama get one from this Congress. I find Kerry's argument that we don't have time not particularly persuasive. Even if it's after intervention today it should authorize retroactively. We do have another branch of government which should do oversight. The Congress after all has the power of the purse to actually pay for yet another war.
2nd Edit: Well, well, well. The British Prime Minister seems to think regime change is the ultimate goal:
http://www.spectator.co.uk/alexmassie/6795879/cameron-vs-obama-they-cant-both-be-right-about-regime-change.thtmlIs that what it is going to come to?