When I read the blog entry about Arenal, and about the lake, and about Eyal the owner/chef of the Gingerbread
I KNOW ALL THAT, including EYAL. He has cooked for me, and his food is to die for. He does not exactly let you order, so to speak, he looks at you, and then decides what you may need to eat.
My friends, whom I have visited twice, who live in Nuevo Arenal (well, a 5 km ride that lasts 35 Minutes on those roads) away in the bucolic rolling hills, are constant patrons of that restaurant, and not only have I been there a few times, that is the wall where I took the photos of the toads crawling into the chimney.
Must find and re-post, for Blue, if nobody else cares.
I'm so excited. Big smile.
I'm going back in May.
found the links in time:
this is at the lady's room entrance at the Gingerbread restaurant, and it proves I never go anywhere without my camera