And the streets were clear due to it being thirty three degrees. The snow was coming down way too hard to get my camera out into the weather, though, so I had to find nearby parking lots. I was merrily snapping shots like this. The birds would have been a bonus, but I didn't have the shutter speed fast enough at the time.
So, I changed my settings and waited to see if any birds would come back and fly in front of the playset. I wasn't having any luck, but I noticed something round moving in the foreground.
Good grief. Were my eyes playing tricks on me? In the foreground is a deep drainage ditch, and a little stone bridge goes over it. It is even protected by metal railing so kids won't fall in. I honed in with my camera.
Yup, that was it. Person dressed in black, umbrella in hand emerges from the drainage ditch and walks away. (???)
Pretty strange.