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A Photographer I know. (A Cairo Story)

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MattSh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-14-11 08:56 AM
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A Photographer I know. (A Cairo Story)
Boy, it's a small world sometimes…

First some background.

I've been aware (in the back of my mind) that someone I used to work with, wow, close to two decades ago, was currently living and working in Cairo. And this reconnect only happened because of Facebook. I remember last summer getting a "friend" request on Facebook from him. It took me a while before I even remembered who he was. And then I remembered him because we had four friends in common. Yeah, I worked with him 20 years ago, but times change, and people change and move on. And I mean, it's just Facebook! Most of his updates since then were things like "New Photography class begins" on such and such a date. "Sign up now." I knew he had been working quite a few years as a photographer, mostly doing things like sports and nature. And making a living at it, lucky ducky!

A few days into the events in Cairo I gave it more thought, especially that day when the internet went black. And I'm thinking, yeah, as a photographer, how could you NOT be out with your camera and doing what photographers do? I'm thinking, damn, I would like to get the chance to document this type of history. Yeah, there are dangers, but damn! You can either be a witness to history, or you can run from it. My wife was an active participant in the late, great, Orange Revolution over here, so I'd like to think I would stick around and stick it out in the hope that this is the big one! The one that really changes things!

Then I read that while out doing his thing, he took some birdshot in the back, apparently from the police. He's doing fine. A bit sore, but fine. I only found out recently that he is a full fledged press reporter with Zuma Press, more of an independent outlet. Some of his work is here. Go to the page, then click "Continue Search." Just be aware that if you stay on the site too long, you'll might get a page asking you to log in. Just click "continue search" again.

And apparently, after a few days on the mend, he was out again documenting history. Way to go Wally!
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NV Whino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-14-11 09:20 AM
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1. Nice work
And what a treat to know that a friend was on the ground when this was happening.
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Alameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-14-11 12:56 PM
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2. Wow....fabulous. Thanks for the link.
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