It's too late to edit the previous thread, so I need to repost it.
Yesterday, February 15 2011, was the 22nd anniversary of the end of the Soviet-Afghan War. The total duration of the war was 9 years, 50 days. The following are photos from today's anniversary in Kiev, Ukraine. The duration of the US Afghan War, so far, is 9 years, 131 days, if my calculations are correct.
Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union up until August 1991, when they declared independence.
On the way home, I was wondering what would happen first. The 22nd anniversary of US withdrawal from Afghanistan, or the 22nd anniversary of our quagmire in Afghanistan. I'm beginning to think it's the latter.
Temperature at the beginning of the ceremony ~ approximately 4F.
The Afghan War Memorial, Kiev.

Possibly a Band of Veterans.

Vodka for the Deceased.

Honor Guard.

Paying Respect.