i'm getting better, i'm now a ditto oxycontin head and my second night, this time in the lazy girl chair, was lots better than the one in bed.
your various suggestions helped my son understand my inabilities better - he got the supplements, installed a shower chair and a grip. he cut some clothing and sewed on patches of velcro etc etc and creatively foresaw my various needs - and, oh, he closed the business due to illness and finished the lettering of the van. he will return if necessary.
now i can settle back and internalize that sometimes it takes a break to get one, and i'll be resting and reading etc. and accept the food my friends are bringing, on monday it will be the ortho docs and whatever the next step is.
thanks for the offers of help with the shadows contest. as i see it there will be no real snags. in all probability the 3 preliminaries will go up somewhat slower, but sometimes you just gotta flow slowly. mistakes will happen, and then they will unhappen.
you guys are the best and now back to normalcy on the photo forum. thank you - i feel cared about, and that goes both ways.