I wanted to try an experiment. can I photograph a drop of water. I know you can buy all kinds of special equipment to do it but I wondered how much success I would have trying it without buying naything extra.
heres the result which I consider a success since I didnt spend to much time setting it up and spend no additional money
heres what i did..
i filled a pot with water. i set the camera up on a tripod with a remote cable shutter release.
I put a plate over the pot of water and manually focused on teh center of the plate.Then I removed the plate. then I set the camera aperture to f16 and the shutter to bulb. I have a nikon speedlite so I grabbed that and turned it on (just holding it in my hand)
next I turned off the lights and opened the shutter. using a turkey baster I started dripping water into the center of the pot. when I had a gut feeling for how long it took the water to drop from the baster to the pot I test fired the flash once. then I closed the shutter.
I repeated this several times and this was the best shot