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I've been meaning to post flood photos

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CC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 05:32 PM
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I've been meaning to post flood photos
for the last few days and finally taking the time to do it. Could not get to Port Deposit and it is still closed to most. They are escorting people that live there in to check out the damage. Then couldn't get anywhere near the Conowingo Dam to get photos of the 43 of 50 gates open. Cops blocked off Fisherman's Park (under water) and the other place I could think of one road into was under water. We tried every way we could to find a way there but it was a no go though we did stop and take a few shots of Deer Creek aka 1 source of Baltimore's drinking water. So that left Havre de Grace for flooding. We ended up walking around town, skirting through flooded streets & BGE trucks talking to people that were cheerful in spite of the mess.

Heading over the dam since they opened up the road over it. The spray was coming over the road way. Not normal.

Deer Creek and a partial wash out of the road. Hard to tell how high the water is when you don't know how low the normal is.

Heading into Havre de Grace, not looking too bad.

Not going any further by car. That is supposed the be a road there.

Lets see if we can get to the Lighthouse & Park. Oops, no cars here either, time to hike.

Hey, the water is suppose to be on the other side of the Lighthouse.
There are suppose to be 2 roads, park land & yards there.

Now we need to head to the other side of town and check out the Lock house & Museum.
Not good.

Hope they put everything they could on the second floor. There should be a whole lot of grass
around the Lock House, not water.

The geese are not happy about the extra water either. (Wondering if they had nest up there.) Oh and I can
see Port Deposit's waterfront condos across the way, in the water. (They were built on pilings because
of the known flooding issues. Hope people moved their cars though.)

The neighborhood dogs were wondering where their park went.

OMG we have a Darwin Award contender. A hillbilly wake-boarder trying to ride his board on the lawn with his
mom pulling him with the CAR! He had to climb through the fence after tying the rope off.

The water wasn't that deep there, then there was the fence to hit. We watched a couple times and left. Once we were home
I realized we forgot to take a picture of the car pulling him. :headbang:

What I really needed to get good photos was to be in one of these. News plane/choppers filming.

Now to make a long post even longer. I finally broke down and sent the old D70 off to be converted to Infrared. I used Life Pixel
since every review I saw had happy people and they were recommended at most IR sites. The had my camera back to me in less than a week
even though that was half the time they said it might take. The price was also half what it was the first time I thought about
getting it done. Sometimes waiting is worth it. Now to learn what the hell I am doing. I've just been playing around to see what can be done.
The IR does make the floods look better, maybe it is the other worldly feel. Dunno but here are some of the IR shots.

Lock House Road, IR color and black & white.

Lock House. IR color

River & Rt 40 bridge. IR color different channel adjustments.

Light House IR color. (And to think it was the black & white I wanted IR for.)

Now to make more time to shoot and play. :) I am having fun with it and so glad I finally had the camera converted.

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rdking647 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 07:13 PM
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1. im curious about the color ir shots
Edited on Wed Sep-14-11 07:21 PM by rdking647
I can tell the ones in which you flipped the red and blue channels but what did you do with the other color ones? is is just a matter of changing the white balance?

and ill trade you fro some of that extra water

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CC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 08:38 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Hi rdking
On the infrared. I had what LP calls full color conversion. I flipped the red and blue channel in all the color ones and ended up with either pink trees, green sky. The blue yellow combo took more playing with it but since I was playing I didn't write it down. Remembering to set color balance does make a difference when flipping the red & blue channels I found out. I'll have to make note of things next time. I'm bad at not making notes of what I was doing. BTW it was you that pushed me over the edge into finally getting the conversion. When I went to look after one of your posting I was thrilled to see it was half price to what it was first time I looked. I would love to send you some of the water, in a slow steady rain. You don't need floods on top of fires. Least TX doesn't have hills to cause major mudslides when you do finally get some rain.

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rdking647 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 10:41 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. we do have hills
after seeing what you did I started playing around with some of the IR I took. since your dealing with false color anyways I just have to play around more..

actually we are the flash flood capitol of the country. between the hills and the if you dig down into the soild you hit limestone after a foot or so so the water doesnt soak in rel well we get major floods,or hav ein the past.

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CC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-11 12:58 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Definately wishing a slow steady
rain then. I was thinking about mud slides (have CA family) and hoping you don't have to deal with that consequence of fires, though flash floods are bad too. Hills and shallow rivers do make for a flash flood nightmare.

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Mira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 08:26 PM
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2. It's our heavy hearts, I suspect, that makes us take a breather before we tell you
just how sorry we are for your neighbors, for you, for your environment.
At least it took me a couple of times to look and then sigh deeply.
Speaking for myself now - the voyeur that I am - it's damn amazing to get such a first hand report from someone I know - and to get to peruse what you braved and to enjoy your description and your humor, and you exquisite photography as always.

I am amazed at the infrared - don't know about it - don't understand it - but one day that will change.
Thank you CC for this huge effort in photographing and posting.
Be well, and be careful.

Now which one did you say will be your entry?

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CC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 08:44 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. The main thought I heard from
Edited on Wed Sep-14-11 08:48 PM by CC
people that lived in the flooded areas was, well this is the flip side of water front property. They seem to think the good parts outweigh the bad. Attitude can helps make things better and most have had a great attitude. Besides it did not get as bad at they thought it would. (:

I don't know how to explain IR because I don't know enough about it. What I do know is I always loved the IR black & whites I have seen and wanted to be able to do my own. Oh and I find it fun to learn and play with the camera & photo shop.

Edit= I still need to do a Hometown photo. There are at least 2 towns, a couple so called villages and a township closer and on my side of the river. Though thinking playing with the IR might make any one of them look better.

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alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 09:29 PM
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5. Beautiful work. I'm impressed.
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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-11 01:46 PM
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8. Thanks for these
Such beauty coming out of heartache! Definitely feeling the water....

Always people doing dumb stunts like that. Makes me shake my head.
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blueraven95 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-26-11 06:58 PM
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9. hey, CC, these are great
at least as good as I've seen on the news.

It's amazing that we live relatively near each other and have had such different experiences. While we have had a lot of rain, we didn't get any of the flooding, and never even lost power, although trees did go down, one on top of a neighbor's car.

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