Old Minolta Maxxum Flash D 314i...who knows cameras?...
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Wed Sep-28-11 12:49 PM
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Old Minolta Maxxum Flash D 314i...who knows cameras?... |
My son is taking a photography class at school and needs a manual camera. Well, my old Minolta works as both manual and automatic. I don't know anything about cameras and haven't used this thing in years. My husband seems to think this would not be a good camera for my son to use to learn. I may ask the teacher anyway as it seems like someone could use it.
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Wed Sep-28-11 01:24 PM
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1. I'm assuming the camera is a Maxxum 3000i |
Since the D314i flash was made specifically for that camera.
That said the 3000i is really not a manual camera it does have a manual mode for focus but not exposure.
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Thu Sep-29-11 04:03 PM
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that's what it is.
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Wed Sep-28-11 05:36 PM
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2. If he needs a film camera |
I would recommend the Pentax K1000. I loaned mine to my nephew when he needed a manual film camera for a Journalism course. It was actually #1 on the teacher's list of recommended cameras.
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Thu Sep-29-11 04:07 PM
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I think my husband found a friend with an old camera he's willing to share.
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Wed Sep-28-11 06:55 PM
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3. Personally I would see what the teacher has to say |
Edited on Wed Sep-28-11 07:16 PM by Stevenmarc
But if I were to venture what's on the short list it would be the Nikon FM 10.
You'll find a ton of them on eBay, usually with the line used in my photography class in the description.
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Thu Sep-29-11 04:10 PM
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6. That was my first thought... |
but the teen pooh poohed the idea. What's so HARD about asking the teacher????
Thanks for the ebay tip. I will check it out.
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Sun Jan 26th 2025, 06:51 AM
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