Need a little assistance with the contest
Richard D
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Wed Oct-26-11 06:20 PM
Original message |
Need a little assistance with the contest |
The preliminaries close tonight and I'll put up the finals. I won't be able to close down the finals at the right time though. Can someone volunteer to contact the moderator and close it down Saturday at 9pm Pacific time? Thank you, Richard
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Wed Oct-26-11 07:22 PM
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1. I'll be out at a play Saturday night - but will be back by that time. I am |
taking 9pm pacific time to be midnight eastern standard time. If that is correct I'll be happy to commit to do it. Let me know, and you have a volunteer.
(1000+ posts)
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Thu Oct-27-11 01:03 AM
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2. It's way past 9 pm PDT; I'll alert and get them locked, pronto. |
Wish I'd seen this sooner!
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Thu Oct-27-11 09:52 AM
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3. Question to you, Richard D: |
I see you now have the contest ending on Sunday. I assume that you no longer need a volunteer?
Richard D
(1000+ posts)
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Thu Oct-27-11 10:02 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
Yes. That is true. I figured it would be OK to stretch it out a little since I didn't really post the contest in the evening. I hope I didn't rock tradition too much!
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Fri Jan 24th 2025, 02:10 PM
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