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Sergeant denies Greenburgh officer had reputation for fetish

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 11:27 AM
Original message
Sergeant denies Greenburgh officer had reputation for fetish
Edited on Mon Jan-01-07 11:28 AM by IanDB1
Sergeant denies Greenburgh officer had reputation for fetish
by Jonathan Bandler
The Journal News (Lower Hudson area, NY)
December 20, 2006

GREENBURGH - A Greenburgh police sergeant insisted last night that he did
not call Officer Erik Ward to an arrest scene just because he had a
dominatrix in custody.

Sgt. Robert Gramaglia's testimony at Ward's disciplinary hearing was
intended to counter dominatrix Gina Pane's claim that Ward confronted her
about a sexual fetish as soon as he got there on Jan. 21.

Pane was arrested that night outside the Greenburgh Multiplex after a
police officer allegedly saw her smoking marijuana. Ward, a member of the
street crime unit, responded to the scene and spoke to her there and at
police headquarters about the possibility of becoming a confidential

Pane contends that Ward was called in by his buddies because they had
learned of her occupation and knew him to be a sex fetishist, a claim Ward
has denied. Gramaglia said he knew of no such reputation and the only
reference he ever made to Pane's occupation was when he called ahead to
headquarters to report that an emotionally disturbed prostitute was being
brought there on marijuana charges.


See also:

Cop's lawyer, prosecutor square off at end of dominatrix case
by Jonathan Bandler
The Journal News (Lower Hudson area, NY)
December 21, 2006

GREENBURGH - The lawyer for the town police officer embroiled in a
dominatrix scandal urged Town Board members last night not to let the
woman's unsubstantiated claims "destroy the career of an honest,
hardworking cop."

Andrew Quinn gave an impassioned defense of Erik Ward, saying dominatrix
Gina Pane's salacious claims of misconduct were as dangerous as guns and

"There is another weapon that is no less fatal to a police officer, and
that is the trajectory of a false allegation. And that is exactly what we
are dealing with here," Quinn said at the conclusion of Ward's
disciplinary hearing at Town Hall.

The prosecutor, Vincent Toomey, said Pane's credibility about performing a
kinky sex act for Ward so he would help her deal with a marijuana charge
was not the issue. He said Ward's own reckless behavior and bad judgment
in dealing with Pane had exposed the town to liability. Police officials
never would have suspended Ward, a decorated officer, if they hadn't
investigated the matter and found misconduct by the officer, Toomey said.


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Webster Green Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 11:31 AM
Response to Original message
1. Those dumbass cops have nothing better to do?
Fucking assholes. I guess they are too chickenshit to go after real criminals.
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