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In Search of a Criminal: Donald Rumsfeld's Name Tops the List of Accused of War Crimes

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 05:06 PM
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In Search of a Criminal: Donald Rumsfeld's Name Tops the List of Accused of War Crimes
In Search of a Criminal: Donald Rumsfeld's Name Tops the List of Accused of War Crimes

2006 Year in Review

By Alexia Garamfalvi
Legal Times
December 25, 2006

No one thinks that Donald Rumsfeld will end his days in a German prison. Or that there is any real chance he will have to face trial in Germany over allegations that he authorized policies leading to the torture of prisoners at U.S. detention facilities in Iraq and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

But that doesn’t mean that a complaint filed in Germany last month won’t have some ripple effects. The complaint asks a federal prosecutor there to begin an investigation, and ultimately a criminal prosecution, of the former secretary of defense and other U.S. officials for their roles in the abuses.

“Rumsfeld is no longer untouchable,” says Wolfgang Kaleck, the German lawyer who filed the complaint along with the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights and the International Federation for Human Rights. “He is now deeply connected with claims of abuses and torture. We have taken the first step to begin the legal discussion on his accountability.”

The complaint against Rumsfeld, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, former CIA director George Tenet, and other senior civilian and military officials, was filed in mid-November on behalf of 11 Iraqis who had been detained at Abu Ghraib prison and Mohammed al-Qahtani, a Saudi detained at Guantánamo. It alleges that the defendants ordered, aided, and abetted war crimes and failed to prevent the commission of war crimes by their subordinates. In international law, war crimes are defined as grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, including torture and inhuman treatment.

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Dangerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 05:10 PM
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1. Rumsfeld, you son of a bitch!
You deserve to be behind bars and tried of heinous war crimes!

I do not respect you as a human being. I hate you so much that I like to strangle your freaking neck! You are responsible for the deaths of 3,000 of our troops and 655,000 of innocent Iraqis! I hope you burn in hell for this, you bastard!
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 05:15 PM
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2. Kissinger & a few African & Asian Names must be ahead of Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Tenet, Bush
At least I am not about to forget the old crop just because we have a new crop of right wing killers for "social stability, CIA justice, and the American corporation's right to maximize profit with near slave labor as they destroy the planet".
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zippy890 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 05:52 PM
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3. "ordered, aided and abetted war crimes......."
thats rumsfeld, gonzales all right, and a few others in the WH admin.

great article, I hope this goes somewhere/

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4nic8em Donating Member (382 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 09:15 PM
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4. Aren't these
the same reasons the US...(oops...I mean Iraq), stretched the neck of Saddam?
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