WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 — President Bush has chosen Fred F. Fielding as the new chief White House lawyer, adding to his team a longtime Washington legal hand and veteran of the post.
Mr. Fielding forged his skills in politically charged episodes like Watergate and the air traffic controllers’ strike in 1981.
White House officials said Mr. Bush would announce as early as Tuesday that Mr. Fielding would return as White House counsel, succeeding Harriet E. Miers, who announced her resignation last week. The officials insisted on anonymity to discuss an unannounced personnel decision.
Mr. Fielding’s agreement to take the job surprised some of his closest friends. The friends said last week, when his name surfaced as a contender for the position, that they would be surprised if he would give up a successful corporate practice for another stint of what promises to be heavy partisan battle at age 67.