The Republican Party not only deserves to be in the minority--it NEEDS it. As the past several years have clearly shown, those who don't believe in government have none of the necessary skills to govern. They're either incompetent, corrupt, or both.
Rather than making decisions that help all of America, they quietly pass bills to help corporate sponsors, and pretend that there's nothing wrong with it. Rather than serving the American people, they serve Mammon, and make mouth-noises at the idea of "family values" while doing everything they can to disrupt other people's families.
The Republicans have created NO lasting legacy of righteousness...the vast majority of the laws they passed were designed to benefit as few people as possible. Primarily the ultra-wealthy and those with direct political influence.
That's not governance. It's organized crime.
Now they're in the minority--and rightfully so. They can stand up and screech and squeal about everything the Dems are doing because they no longer have any responsibility whatsoever. If their corporate masters are feeling the squeeze, they can pour out their sorrows on the floor and act offended for no particular reason other than the fact that the Dems aren't following their agenda.
Imagine that.
They don't believe in government and cannot govern. They can only use their power and influence to increase their power and influence. They can't act to improve the lives of all Americans. It's beyond their abilities.
They don't know how to govern.
They can rubberstamp their anti-democratic agenda, but they can't analyze the most probable results of their decisions. They can think short term with regards to their goals, but they can't grasp the long-term consequences.
Now the Republicans have taken their rightful places in the minority, they can only hope to be the same kinds of obstructionists they were the last time around--preventing as many viable, valuable pieces of legislation from seeing the light of day as humanly possible. They have no interest in serving America as a whole. There's no profit in it.
Besides, if they had any skill at governance, they'd be Democrats.