But after living in the governor’s mansion for eight years, his transition back to civilian life is off to a burning start.
Moving into a rented ranch house in the Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington on Jan. 6, the great-grandson of President William Howard Taft placed a box of paper and miscellaneous kitchen items on a stove that was inadvertently turned on during the commotion of the move. Just before 1 p.m. that day, Taft called 9-1-1 to report that his kitchen was on fire.
A police officer extinguished most of the blaze before the Fire Department arrived, though smoke filled the house. Fire officials estimated damage at about $5,000. Taft, whose term ended Jan. 8, was unharmed.
Taft won’t have any kitchen mishaps in the near future: He left for the nation of Tanzania a few days after the fire to visit the village where he once worked as a Peace Corps volunteer.
http://www.cleveland.com/plaindealer/weblog/index.ssf?/mtlogs/cleve_eedition/archives/2007_01.html#225989Bad luck Bob just can't get it right.