Boston Legal - excellent piece on no fly list
liberal N proud
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Tue Jan-16-07 10:43 PM
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Boston Legal - excellent piece on no fly list |
Denny Crain in court over his name being on no fly list. Hitting the rich and corpoations hard.
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Tue Jan-16-07 10:44 PM
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Edited on Tue Jan-16-07 10:45 PM by Texas Explorer
Said Haliburton has profited $10 Billion from the war and iPods hold 20,000 songs but DHS can't even take one person off the no-fly list.
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Tue Jan-16-07 10:46 PM
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2. Was that not an excellent rant?! |
I so love this show! Hit Haliburton's war profits too!
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Tue Jan-16-07 10:46 PM
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3. alan plays that part sooo well! The show writers are really excellent! |
Gee, I wonder if anyone from Shrub's admiistration watches Boston Legal? Some thing REALLT ARE fairly simple to fix, aren't they?
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Tue Jan-16-07 10:49 PM
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4. If this is a public course I want to play |
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Tue Jan-16-07 11:03 PM
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5. all the reasons never to be a teacher - now they are health care |
providers and apt to be sued by the rich
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Tue Jan-16-07 11:08 PM
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6. Another brilliant episode |
The saddest part was the teacher deciding to leave the profession (been there, done that though the reason was purely financial).
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Tue Jan-16-07 11:10 PM
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7. I can relate...30 to one ratio sounds like heaven |
try 37 in a classroom built for maybe 25
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 12:08 AM
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