pRe-pub(l)ic-(an) Party = PRO-War Party
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:58 AM
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pRe-pub(l)ic-(an) Party = PRO-War Party |
Who in their right mind is pro-war? Everyone should be anti-war! Sometimes wars have to be fought, but only as a last resort.
The Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden if the American government provided them with proof of his 911-complicity. The proof was not provided... Why?
Pre-emptive war... W(OT?)TF? The (bogus) war of the 21st Century.
President Jesus
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Wed Jan-17-07 05:50 AM
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Calling Republicans the "pro-war party" takes a lot of courage, and should be quite a revelation, especially here at DU!
Please do not hesitate to share more of your groundbreaking insight.
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Thu Feb 13th 2025, 05:49 AM
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