Special Education services, sports and field trips still get busses, although the number of field trips are very limited each year. One has to live either 3 or 4 miles to receive bus privileges, and then pay for them, unless you qualify for a free lunch, then you get your bus ride free, too.
Many kids are now taking the city bus. A pass costs them $50 a month.
Now, our district also closed down 5 schools this year. And, imagine that, they were all in the minority neighborhoods. The schools that were full to capacity. And the school that weren't full? The ones in the "white" neighborhoods? Oh, they stayed open.
Don't even get me started. Lawsuits are abounding.
My school district covers two other cities as well as the one I live in. One is making the legal maneuvers to separate themselves and the other is making the legal maneuvers to join another school district. I have a bet out that within 5 years, the district completely falls apart and the state takes over.
And guess where all the wealthy children are? Not in our local public schools. And the poor? Who cares about them, right?
And I live in a very very very liberal area of Los Angeles. Not at all conservative.
Can you imagine?