From The Onion<snip>
"What's most important about the last six years is that I discovered what I definitely don't want to be doing," Rumsfeld continued.
Though he has yet to receive any responses to the more than 50 resumés he has hand-delivered over the past month, Rumsfeld remains convinced that his job summary "covered the most important bases."
"I had already included my previous Defense Secretary stint in the '70s, and I thought another mention would be redundant," said Rumsfeld, who also believed the two peacetime years he spent under President Ford better illustrate his more "transferable" skills, such as increasing a budget by 5 percent and maintaining a relationship with China. "I'm not going to put down every president I worked for. Best to keep it to one page."
"Why is no one talking about the strength of my cover letter, which I customized for each company?" Rumsfeld added...