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Unity '08...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Bigmack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 05:31 PM
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Unity '08...
This is a repost from me yesterday. I can't believe it only got 1 response. ... and was on page 2 in about 3 minutes. Several "centrists" I know are all a-twit about Unity 08. I see NO chance of such a movement working, and I've got a lot of issues I'm not willing to kiss and make up with (even moderate) Repubs about.
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I don't think I'm ready for "Unity" with the Repubs... it strikes me as dangerously naive to think it's possible.

But....... what do you think, Duers?
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"Unity08 believes that neither of today's major parties reflects the aspirations, fears or will of the majority of Americans. Both have polarized and alienated the people. Both are unduly influenced by single-issue groups. Both are excessively dominated by money.
For most of the 20th Century, the contest for the U.S. presidency was waged over those in the middle. Recent Presidential elections, however, have not been focused on the middle but on the turnout of each party's special interest groups with each party's base representing barely ten percent of the American people.
We believe that, while the leaders of both major parties are well intentioned people, they are trapped in a flawed system and that the two major parties are today simply neither relevant to the issues and challenges of the 21st Century nor effective in addressing them.
As a result, most Americans have not been enthusiastic about the choices for President in recent elections, the key issues they ran on, or the manner in which the campaigns were conducted.
Therefore Unity08 will act to assure that an alternative ticket is presented to the American voters in 2008. "

They have three main goals in order to fulfill these beliefs:

"Goal One is the election of a Unity Ticket for President and Vice-President of the United States in 2008 headed by a woman and/or man from each major party or by an independent who presents a Unity Team from both parties.
Goal Two is for the people themselves to pick that Unity Ticket in the first half of 2008 via a virtual and secure online convention in which all American voters will be qualified to vote.
Goal Three, our minimum goal, is to effect major change and reform in the 2008 national elections by influencing the major parties to adopt the core features of our national agenda. With a group of voters who comprise at least 20% of the national electorate, we feel confident that our voters will decide the 2008 election."
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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 05:38 PM
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1. 'Dangerously naive' doesn't begin to describe it
The whole concept is ludicrous and unworkable.

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Deep13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 05:48 PM
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2. No way. To assume both sides are the same... being equally out of touch with the public or to think we are above it all is to ignore the lessons of history while our own evil empire gets ever more entrenched into our society.

We have been drifting to the right for thirty years. Simply splitting the difference now will go a long way toward cementing that far-right mentality to remain into the future. Besides, we have them on the run. I say keep them running.
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Pyrzqxgl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 07:42 PM
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3. Sounds like some Republican losers are trying to make the best of 2008
by selling Democrats The Brooklyn Bridge. 2008 is a year for Liberals & Progressives to have a go at running this country. We don't need no stinkin'Unity Ticket. The middle can go fry it's hat.
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