Dear Joe:
Next week President Bush will deliver his annual State of the Union address. Last year FaithfulAmerica offered its own "Faithful State of the Union" message and it met with such positive response that we decided to do it again this year - except this time, we are inviting YOU to write it!
Here's how it will work. We will create a series of "introductory statements" on our blog. Simply use those to get you going, adding your personal stories, insights, concerns, observations, beliefs, or convictions in the comments section. Your comments will be added to those of your fellow FaithfulAmericans, compiled into one document, and posted on our website for the world to read.
Go here to help write our annual Faithful State of the Union address.
Our hope is that your honest sharing offers inspiration, hope, and courage to one another. The space between us - even if it is cyber-space - can be Holy ground. As we come together to create a "Faithful State of the Union" we are mindful that our words have power to help create the kind of world we wish to see. As Tennyson once wrote, "Come, my friends. Tis not too late to seek a newer world." May your contribution to this annual "Faithful State of the Union" inspire you on that journey.
Blessings to you as always,
Vince Isner and the FaithfulAmerica.org Team
PS: That "newer world" must - Must - MUST include an end to the genocide in Darfur. Please read about an upcoming benefit performance "Requiem for Darfur" at New York's Carnegie Hall on January 22. The National Council of Churches, USA is one of the concert's sponsors.