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"US Plans Envision Broad Attack On Iran - Analyst" --Rawstory LINK

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Blackhatjack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 02:50 AM
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"US Plans Envision Broad Attack On Iran - Analyst" --Rawstory LINK

WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - U.S. contingency planning for military action against Iran's nuclear program goes beyond limited strikes and would effectively unleash a war against the country, a former U.S. intelligence analyst said on Friday.

"I've seen some of the planning ... You're not talking about a surgical strike," said Wayne White, who was a top Middle East analyst for the State Department's bureau of intelligence and research until March 2005.

"You're talking about a war against Iran" that likely would destabilize the Middle East for years, White told the Middle East Policy Council, a Washington think tank. "We're not talking about just surgical strikes against an array of targets inside Iran. We're talking about clearing a path to the targets" by taking out much of the Iranian Air Force, Kilo submarines, anti-ship missiles that could target commerce or U.S. warships in the Gulf, and maybe even Iran's ballistic missile capability, White said.
If this attack on Iran happens, you can expect that it will not be of the surgical variety, but rather an extensive and protracted war.

This is the danger we are facing with Bush failing in Iraq and being turned against by the public.

He believes that another war would rally the American public to his side, and Cheney is pushing hard for him to do it.

Plus this would create the perfect environment for Bush to pardon everyone, just like his dad did in Iran/Contra
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lapfog_1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 03:16 AM
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1. The real issue is what will China do...
They have been busy signing deals right and left with Iran for oil exploration and oil deliveries. Plus, they are holding a trillion dollars of US debt. They will express their displeasure over such a move. either economically or militarily or both.
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bananarepublican Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 03:38 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I think the real issue is that f-wits in the Whitehouse want to start another war!
Are we really to believe that as soon as Iran gets a nuke they're going to drop it on somebody?

Which country has Iran attacked since the fall of the American-puppet-Shah of Iran. Wasn't Iran attacked by Saddam under the encouragement of the then Reagan/Bush Administration? Didn't good old Rummy turn a blind eye when Saddam used chemical weapons against Iran and the Kurds?

Didn't Pakistan, which is on the verge of turning to a radical Islamic form of rule, acquire nukes without much of a peep from Uncle Sam?

The hypocrisy is astounding. If Iran is indeed developing a nuclear weapons capability, it is likely because they themselves need a real deterrent against either American or Israeli aggression.

Bush and his cronies are the #1 'rogue elephant' on the international stage.

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