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Al Gore The Statesman/ Environmentalist: We Have The Tools To Fight Global Warming

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
RestoreGore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 10:11 AM
Original message
Al Gore The Statesman/ Environmentalist: We Have The Tools To Fight Global Warming
Edited on Sun Jan-21-07 10:28 AM by RestoreGore
Al Gore states that we have the tools necessary to turn the tide on climate change, and he is correct. And for me as with him it lies within us...

Gore Calls For Action On Global Warming

Mr. Gore states here that we have the tools necessary to turn the tide on climate change, and he is correct. However, will those tools be made available to the American public enmasse in enough time? The oil companies have such a chokehold on our way of life and economy and are so tied into political favoritism, that I wonder just how those tools are to be made available to us on a greater scale, and at a cost we can afford.

I truly believed that the one good thing that would come out of the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast would be an awareness of alternate energies and how much they would turn the tide on the very climate change patterns that souped up Katrina to the devastating monster she was. However, even with gas prices rising and scientific consensus that climate change caused by man is contributing to these stronger storms, I don't see people on the whole doing much to change their habits, and in part that is their fault, but I also believe it is in part the fault of those companies which market such alternate energies that have not taken advantage of this opportunity to turn this tragedy into something good and get people excited about looking ahead in a more visionary , cheaper, cleaner, and safer way. Shouldn't it start with us?

However, I think we have to face that Americans have been conditioned to believe that we can't do without our cars and conveniences even for one day. God forbid some of us actually have to get on a bus! I know people who use their SUVS just to drive to the Dunkin' Donuts that is a block and a half away! I wonder if these people have legs, because I never see them! They don't walk anywhere... And gas and oil companies are so happy for that. They know they can always depend on those people to bring them profit, and they're right.

My motto is be the change. It means something to me that is really very profound and true, and it is a reflection of our moral compass and spiritual insight. However, it is something many people seem to have trouble identifying with, especially when it comes to having to change their lifestyles one inch to do it. And that is the real challenge... But a challenge worth taking. You see, it isn't only about money, it is also about working to respect the Earth and yourself.

I am always amazed at how many people live their lives in denial. People know smoking gives you cancer and other diseases, yet they continue to do it. People know that taking certain drugs will kill you, yet they continue to do it. People know if you eat a certain amount of fat you can get heart disease and other diseases, yet people continue to do it. People know if they go over the limit on their credit cards they will pay for it, yet they just can't help but tune to the home shopping network and buy that new piece of junk that serves no purpose. It is that human behavior (being creatures of habit and using it to live in denial rather than in doing what is right) that has made companies in this country and around the world richer beyond their wildest dreams.

If only humans could break that destructive psychological cycle by breaking free from that denial and saying they will do it no more, we could save ourselves and this planet very easily. It doesn't really take much. Don't drive the car/Hummer to the corner just to mail a letter... If you can take a bus to your job even three times a week, do it. If you do drive, stay within the speed limit (it isn't necessary to always drive with your hair on fire.) In other words, think of something besides yourself. By not thinking about yourself, you are actually helping yourself.

Oh, but I'm not perfect...Though, I don't drive if I can walk, and if I do, I don't drive to break the sound barrier. My thermostat is set lower in the winter, and higher in the summer. I use energy saving bulbs and appliances that I use as little as possible. I take buses anywhere I can. I don't use chemicals in my home that pollute the air or water. I don't smoke. And of course, I spread the facts about this to anyone I can in my daily life... And I teach my child the same, because this planet is our home, and the only home we will ever have. My next car will also be a hybrid if I can find one affordable to me, and I am offsetting any other CO2 by supporting organizations that plant trees and provide potable water to people around the world besides other environmental organizations.

However, even though the technology is out there,to many it is financially and logistically out of reach. That needs to change. Why should the oil and gas companies in this country reap such a whirlwind off of the poor and in turn continue to do so much damage to our planet, when it is absolutely within our grasp to do better?

Therefore, when Americans are in their SUVS buying gas because they just have to get to the mall to buy more stuff they don't need, and are more than willing to pay 2-3 dollars a gallon for that gas they are putting in it (even though they will be bi***ing about it the entire way,) don't look too far to place some blame. But then, where is our government in getting biofuels to those pumps NOW so we have a choice? Seeing it for what it is is the first step to showing those who think they can get away with taking advantage of us that we know the score and we aren't going to allow them to get away with it anymore.

We all have a choice, a moral choice to see beyond our own borders, and it's time to start making that choice no matter how hard it is. That is one of the strongest tools we have to fight climate change, and it is within us.

So actually, it is in my view very hypocritical to call on him or for that matter, anyone to run for President if you are unwilling to change your lifestyle or to honestly become a part of the solution or in changing this world for the better yourself. Asking him to run just because you want revenge on Hillary Clinton is no reason to run for President, especially in this system. It has become obvious to me however, that on many Internet forums people only rate threads up when they include only "Run Al run!" mantras with no other substance. Anytime someone actually posts on his work or his comments on this crisis in a serious and sincere way, however, it falls off the radar screen in a heartbeat. That speaks volumes to me about real priorities. We have what we need, and it is in us... but will we use it? Do we really care on the whole beyond the talk? Does the federal government really care? It would be incomprehensible to know we have what it takes to mitigate this crisis, and simply allow ourselves to lose the prize we should have our eyes on because we were too diverted to see it.
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RestoreGore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 10:38 AM
Response to Original message
1. Kicking for Mr. Gore and his selfless work for our planet! n/t
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ohio2007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 10:51 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. From a Russian newsite about global warming
The Sun is going through a cooling phase;

But then this article from a few years ago states;
Cosmic Rays Linked to Global Warming
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Herman74 Donating Member (429 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 10:49 AM
Response to Original message
2. I Get Around by Bicycle...
...(on rare occasion taking the bus), use fluorescent light bulbs, and don't eat meat (hence don't support an industry that particularly damages the environment).

Heck, at my last apartment, I didn't even use a refrigerator during winter, putting my food out on my balcony to keep cold.

Actually, my main source of electical usage is this computer, cause I want to remain aware of what damage the Repugnants are inflicting on earth's inhabitants.
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RestoreGore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. That's excellent
Thanks for the response.
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