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A Century of LIES - Did we ever really need to be on oil?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 06:36 PM
Original message
A Century of LIES - Did we ever really need to be on oil?
Edited on Sun Jan-21-07 06:37 PM by seemslikeadream

Chapter One: The Plan Against Oil

Explosions and flames suddenly shattered the quiet afternoon at Thomas Edison's West Orange, New Jersey laboratory complex.

Time and date: 5:20 p.m., Wednesday, December 9, 1914. Upon hearing the blast, a stunned Edison ran from his laboratory and into the courtyard. There the famous inventor watched with astonishment as his film repository suddenly erupted in flames. A moment later, Edison's fire alarm gongs began clanging violently, echoing distress throughout the eighteen-structure complex. Scores of employees scrambled down the stairs of their offices, across the compound, and toward the street as intense flames raced through the "fireproof" buildings. Blast after blast, fiery outbreak after fiery outbreak, like a flaming barrage from within, spreading from the rear and then left and right, closing in from the front, and everywhere in between, most of Edison's grounds soon became an inferno. As though on an incendiary rampage, the fires systematically devoured the contents of Edison's headquarters and facilities.

Quickly, carefully, intrepidly, Edison and his wife pulled his most important papers from their offices and raced out to safety. Everything seemed to burst into blaze in just moments. The phonograph recordings and motion picture materials burned out of control. Wait. Not the batteries. Save the batteries. Edison dashed across the street to the storage battery building and ordered his private fire brigade to protect that first. With bravado, Edison himself directed much of the firefighting.

Not until midnight was most of the fire put down. Some buildings continued burning until 2:00 p.m. the next day. The flames were so intensely hot that one employee who tried to deploy a fire extinguisher was "burned to a crisp with a fire extinguisher alongside of him."

Few understood the voracious fire's extraordinary speed and broad destruction. Ten buildings completely burned to the ground. All but Edison's lab and the storage battery building were reduced to fire-ravaged rubble. It was hypothesized that a random spark from a switch in the film department suddenly ignited the surroundings. Yet it was as though the fire erupted all at once from everywhere across the fireproofed compound in building after building, and even across the walkways. Certainly Edison's complex was filled with every form of flammable chemical and material. But no one could explain certain "funny capers," as they were termed.

Reports soon documented that for some reason "in one of the little low red buildings, they found 2,000 gallons of very high proof alcohol that wasn't damaged." What's more, investigators "also found on some of the floors cans of gasoline that didn't even ignite. The flames swept right over the top of them. Corners in the concrete building weren't even touched with fire." Some rooms emerged without any fire damage at all.

Part 1: Edwin Black Launches Internal Combustion At NSU

Part 2: Edwin Black Launches Internal Combustion At NSU
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oblivious Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 03:08 AM
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1. So Dick Cheney is a vampire after all -- called Alfred Madoux in the last century.
In October 1913, while the Red Devil was on a boar hunt in the Belgian Ardennes with his friend Alfred Madoux, editor of L'Etoile Belge, Jenatzy stepped into the wrong shadow. Madoux thought he saw a boar and shot. Jenatzy was struck in the thigh. The powerful exploding bullet ripped open his leg. He bled profusely. As the life quickly poured out of Jenatzy, his friend frantically bundled him into a car and drove wildly to a surgeon. But the automobile could not drive fast enough. The Red Devil died en route. He bled to death. In a Mercedes.
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shadowknows69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 03:11 AM
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2. IMO if the human race had continued to develop its mind
instead of just its technology we would all be flying around on telekinetic, non-fossil fuel using, wings right now.
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MagickMuffin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 04:28 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. How funny,
in that I was talking about that very topic last week.

I don't know if I can describe it as well as you did, but here's what made me think about it to begin with.

We already have the technology of our brains (hardware) and we are only using a small fraction of it, that if we developed our other senses (such as our sixth sense; software) we could program/wire our brains to respond to teleportation, or some other form of transportation.

As to the OP, we may never know of some of the discoveries made in the 20th century. I'm reminded by the early pioneers of technology. Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Nikola Tesla, are a couple of inventors who's work was destroyed by our government. Who knows if there discoveries would have been solutions to our problems we are facing today.

I know from our history that we used hemp for most of our needs including gas to run our cars, paper, cloth, oil, paints, varnishes, compressed into fiberboards for home building materials etc. until the weed was demonized by our government along with the ruling class who didn't want the competition from hemp, so it became known as marijuana and forever treated as some sort of toxic plant, yet nothing could be farther from the truth.
Hemp provides oxygen for the planet, helps with soil erosion, it can grow in a short amount of time, well you get the idea.

I look forward to reading more about the topic from the links you provided. Thanks:hi:

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 02:08 PM
Response to Original message
4. GM and Standard Oil of New Jersey also collaborated with the German company I.G. Farben

Yes. At the same time that GM was involved in undermining electric mass transit in America, the company built trucks and other military vehicles which Nazi Germany used to launch World War II, beginning with its 1939 blitzkrieg invasion of Poland. GM's direct involvement with the Reich continued until the U.S. entered the war in 1941. GM and Standard Oil of New Jersey also collaborated with the German company I.G. Farben to produce tetraethyl lead, a fuel additive which became indispensable both for Blitz trucks as well as the JU-88 bombers that were later manufactured in GM's German plants to rain devastation upon the civilian populations throughout Europe. When a stockholder complained about the alliance with Nazi Germany, GM president Alfred Sloan defended the business, calling the profits "outstanding."

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