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DNA (Denver Newspaper Agency) demands wage concessions by Jan. 16

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-20-08 11:50 PM
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DNA (Denver Newspaper Agency) demands wage concessions by Jan. 16

Unions ask to see books as agency seeks $20 million
By Jeff Smith, Rocky Mountain News (Contact)
Published December 19, 2008 at 12:05 a.m.

The Denver Newspaper Agency has issued an ultimatum to its six unions: Agree to $20 million in wage and benefit concessions by Jan. 16 or face even worse consequences.

In a letter delivered to union leaders this week, a company executive said new labor contracts need to be concluded by that date so the DNA can attempt to renegotiate $130 million of debt.

"If that fails, the financial health of DNA will be even more significantly impacted than it has been to date, and the employer will have to consider all options available to it," wrote Missy Miller, DNA senior vice president of human resources.

Tracy Simmons, an administrative officer at the Denver Newspaper Guild Local 37074, said, "The unions have requested to look at the DNA books. Any time a company says it has an inability to pay, unions have the right to examine the books. That's where it's at."

Miller declined comment Thursday, and DNA CEO Harry Whipple referred questions to DNA spokesman Jim Nolan.

Said Nolan: "However we're going to respond (to the unions' request to open the financial books), we'll respond directly to the unions and not in print."

FULL story at link.

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Hawkeye-X Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 12:41 AM
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1. Hell no - RMN is on sale. The union needs to stand firm.
The local rag is up for sale and needs a buyer by the middle of Jan. I just hope it'll be bought by a liberal interest and turn from a rag to real news.

Keep the format (I love the tabloid cut - like New York Post)

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