Thank you Philly nurses!! We in Minnesota are next! Unions Ratify New Contracts and Declare Victory after Strike (Vote 1045 to 30 in favor)
After 28 days on strike, the members of PASNAP, the union that represents 1500 nurses, professionals and technical employees at Temple University Hospital, voted overwhelmingly to accept the new contract agreements. After three ratification votes held throughout the day, the total members voting was 1075 with 97% in favor.
"Temple provoked this strike in an effort to weaken our unions and eliminate our right to speak out for our patients. What they got instead was an emboldened,
stronger union membership that will continue to work under a contract with some of the best working conditions and benefits in Philadelphia," said Jackie Silver, MSW. "We are proud that we reached a resolution and that we will be able to continue to fight for our patients, our rights, and our professions."